North Korea: US makes "gangster" demands on denuclearization


Pyongyang said that the attitude of the United States at the last meeting was "extremely worrying", although US envoy Mike Pompeo said that "two years of visit to Pyongyang have been"

The latter was Pompeo's first trip to North Korea since the summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore. Then the meeting of the two leaders resulted in Kim's promise to end the nuclear program without further specifying the steps.

One of Pompeo's main goals during his visit was to support Korea's commitment. North in terms of denuclearization.

However, the North Korean statement, sent by the KCNA public news agency, pointed out that the United States was going against the spirit of the summit by unilaterally pushing on Pyongyang for that he abandons his nuclear weapons. it was expected that the US side would find a constructive idea, believing that we would get something in return, "said the North Korean statement, warning that" the decision on denuclearization … could be canceled. "

on the other hand, Pompeo, who met Kim Yong-chol, Kim Jong-un's right hand, said that he had talked a lot about a disarmament schedule, including the destruction of a rocket test site

"These are complicated problems, but we have made progress on almost all the central issues, where we have made substantial progress in some places , while on the other hand, we still have to work, "said Pompeo earlier.

Although at the end of the North Korean-American summit, Donald Trump said that the North no longer represents a nuclear threat The latter has renewed sanctions against Pyongyang, and US intelligence officials said there is evidence that North Korea is continuing to modernize its nuclear infrastructure and missile infrastructure.

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