"Number of days before arriving in Madagascar"


Dima Trofim, a member of the Madagascar tribe alongside Dorian Popa, Daniela Crudu, Sorana Darclea Mohamad, Ionuţ Iftimoaie, Paula Chirila and Sorin Brotnei, is eager to begin his adventure on the African island. a challenge and now even number of days until we arrive in Madagascar! I do not work on strategies, I am firmly convinced that if we arrive in the desert, we will think about it very well and we will adapt quickly to get where it is needed, "says Dima, who does not think that To resist without the little ones. technological joy of life. "It's really hard for me to break, I know, it's really addictive, so I'll try to keep the post all the time," says Dima Trofim.

"The Last Tribune", the new challenge launched by Antena I am going to send three extremely courageous and powerful groups in an adventure full of dangers and unpredictability: Madagascar! They are joined by the actor Octavian Strunila

The tribe of athletes consists of: Alex Filip, Cornelia Condeescu, Lola Crudu, Daniel Chiriţă, Ioana Şulea, Mircea Zamfir and Roxana Chiperi. The seven athletes will measure their powers with the tribe composed of stars and that composed of ordinary people: Mirel Magop, Silviu Mircescu, Cosmin Pădureanu, Oana Dedeu, Ema Serban and the couple formed by Gabriela Popa and Silviu Geandra

-The third tribe , the stars of the stars, is composed of Dorian Popa, Dima Trofim, Daniela Crudu, Sorana Darclee Mohamad, Ionuţ Iftimoaie, Paula Chirilă and Sorin Brotnei

"The Last Trib" is a show adapted according to the famous Nomads format ". Three tribes – one of the stars, one of the athletes and one of the ordinary people – will be sent to Madagascar where they will be subjected to an exotic adventure that will test both their social and physical abilities. Despite the completely different personalities of the members, each tribe will have to prove its strength to withstand the impact of cultural shock but also under the pressure of physical effort

Each week, they will fight for the Territory , the winning tribe will be housed in a luxury resort and will be spoiled every day, second place will live in a village alongside locals where tribe members will be trained every day in exchange for a simple party and not necessarily a bed, but rather a place to sleep. But this is by no means the worst situation in which a tribe can be found: those who will be in third place will live all week in an isolated place with minimal resources. In addition, at the end of the seven days of hard trials, tribal members will have to fight and stay on the island.

Weeks of tribes will measure their powers in spectacular and tense competitions for both territories, and for "Eliminate", so that ultimately only eight members will remain in the match for the big challenge: the price of 100,000 euros. (19659009) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {{19659009}
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