Obesity and excess meat can lead to …


"Compared to 30 years ago, we are diagnosing many more kidney stones in children as a result of changes in our diet: we eat a lot more meat, we take many dietary supplements. Increasing number of children with kidney stones is correlated with obesity as these babies are suffering more and more, "warns Selçuk Yücel, a specialist with experience in treating urological diseases in children and infants at Acibadem. 19659002] Kidney stones or kidney stones occur especially if there is a genetic predisposition in the family for this type of medical problem. But doctors mention besides genetics and unbalanced diets, and other risk factors.

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"Increased acidity of a child's diet can result in the formation of kidney stones. Acidified drinks in excess increase the level of acidity in the urine, and phosphate crystals accumulate in the form of calculus. Similarly, excessive consumption of animal protein leads to increased acidity, the ideal terrain for calves, especially for boys. In addition, insufficient hydration at the expense of acidic juice consumption can create perfect conditions for the appearance of kidney stones. "

Thus, parents should closely monitor children's health.The color of urine is an important indicator of health and hydration.

" An adult should consume at least 3 liters of fluid a day and children, especially boys, must consume, according to their age, a minimum of 1 to 1.5 liters of liquid a day.In summer, when the body sweats, the amount must be higher The color of the urine is a good indicator of the level of hydration.So, the "yellow" color of the urine shows that the body is dehydrated, and in these conditions, the l '. fluid intake should be increased Daily intake of freshly squeezed lemon juice not only prevents the formation of kidney stones, but is also beneficial for people who already have kidney stones.Lemon juice can be added to various preparations but it must be fresh, "adds Urologu Pediatric Selcuk Yucel

Parents should also be extremely careful when giving their children dietary supplements and vitamins. A visit to a doctor can help relieve discomfort

. "If there are family members who have kidney stones, then children need to be carefully evaluated, especially before administering a calcium supplement.But in children from families where there are no kidney stones. there are no people with kidney stones, a calcium supplementation should be administered after an ultrasound of the urinary system, "recommends Acibadem's doctor

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If there are already symptoms of the presence of stones such as frequent urination, urinary pain, urinary blood, modified urine staining and abdominal pain, children should be evaluated metabolically Kidney stones can be of many types and can be treated with drugs, endoscopic procedures, conventional surgery or ultrasound.

"Surgery can also be performed if renal greater than 6mm for example. But the decision to make the conventional intervention depends on the location of the stone, and we apply it especially in cases where kidney stone blocks urinary tract. There is also the possibility of treating stones with lithotripsy, a method by which kidney stones are broken into smaller pieces that are naturally eliminated. We can also perform endoscopic procedures either by very small incisions or even by using the urinary tract to access the affected area of ​​kidney stones. Thus, we are able to penetrate with very fine instruments, to break the stones which will thus be eliminated naturally. Currently, we are doing more mini-invasive procedures than plentiful interventions, "says pediatric urologist.

The diet of children predisposed to kidney stones must be developed by a doctor. Excess meat must be eliminated, but red meat, fish and poultry must remain in the diet in optimal quantity as they are considered essential in the process of breeding and development of children

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