Of course, you did not know! Raisins are healthier than I thought. What diseases can prevent .MD PUBLICATION


Most commonly used in the preparation of cakes, cheeses and other pastries, these small jam bombs are not only a healthy alternative to harmful sweets, they are also an incredibly powerful ally of the body. a seemingly banal, old and dry texture, raisins are a healthy alternative, full of benefits for the whole body, and can be eaten as such instead of sweets and sweets filled with sugar and additives extremely harmful

Raisins consumed daily constitute a true "dressing" for the stomach because they contain a large amount of fiber and help regulate the intestinal transit Therefore, the grapes have a laxative effect and prevent constipation, but also help eliminate toxins from the body more quickly.

Raisins are important sources of potassium and magnesium, which help reduce gastric acidity and eliminate toxins. thus preventing the risk of diseases such as arthritis, gout, kidney stones or heart disease

The high iron content and vitamin B complex containing grapes help to improve anemia and to Co-Producing Red Blood Cell Production, (19659002) An antioxidant called catechin found in raisins helps protect against the damaging action of free radicals that can cause tumors and colon cancer

Raisins to have phytonutrients polyphenolics, known as antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effect. They also have antibacterial properties and help reduce fever and destroy bacteria and viruses, they protect us from colds or other respiratory viruses by strengthening the immune system

Finally, the consumption of raisins is also indicated for life love. These fruits contain an amino acid called arginine, which has the potential to increase libido and increase the feeling of arousal.

Consumption is particularly recommended for men in the treatment of erectile dysfunction but also as energizers. There is even an ancestral practice as in India, where two mothers are offered a cup of milk, raisins and saffron on the wedding night to make it … unforgettable for both partners, according to realitatea.net [!19659010] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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