Official of this night. What is written in the government's decision on the dismissal of Ioan Albu, prefect of Constanta (full text)


The meeting of the Romanian Government also discussed yesterday the release of the prefect of Ioan Albu County Constanta

The Romanian Official Gazette No. 569 / 5.VII.2018 and Decision of the Romanian Government No. 481/2018

Here is the full text of the normative act to which we refer:


concerning the termination of the temporary employment of the prefect of Constanta County by Mr. Albu Ioan

] With the temporary posting, in accordance with the law,

Taking into account the provisions of Article.19 (1) (a) of Law No. 188/1999 on the status of civil servants, republished, as as subsequently amended and supplemented,

108 of the Romanian Constitution,

The Government of Romania adopts the present judgment

Sole Article – On the date of entry into force of this Decision, the temporary civil service of Constanta County by Mr. Alb u Ioan ceases to be temporarily exercised by posting in the codifications of the law "

The normative act dated July 5, 2018 is signed by the Prime Minister

Ioan Albu was appointed county prefect from Constanta in early July 2017. He was elected to this post in place of Adrian Viorel Nicolaescu

Albu was born on 17.07. 1981 in Medgidia, Constanta County

He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Specialized in Agriculture, Ovidius University of Constanta

Albu graduated from the Faculty of Law, specializing in the University Spiru Haret Bucharest

Constanta DAY

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