Officials who paid for courses that were not followed were tried in Constanta


Three public service officials of local taxes Constanta and the president of an NGO were prosecuted by anti-corruption prosecutors, accused of having paid training courses that did not not taken place, the head of the Service having acquired a Part of the money

  The article's photo Officials who paid for courses that were not paid were judged to Constanta

Officials who paid for courses that were not followed and the president of an NGO were brought to trial in Constanţa

According to a statement issued Wednesday by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate , prosecutors ordered the execution of the executive director in state of freedom of the executive director
Deputy of the Public Service of Taxes and Local Taxes (SPIT), as well as the head of the Department of Human Resources for having paid professional training on behalf of
institution, and these have not really arrived.

According to the indictment, between November and December 2017, Virginia Uzun, who was the SPIT executive, allegedly violated the law on acts of employment in
related to the illegal and fictitious behavior of two contracts concluded between the service he ran as an acquirer and an association represented by Bogdan Coronea,
organize training seminars for employees of public institutions.

"These services, which were not provided in fact, were illegally contracted and paid for by the SPIT Constanta, as the association represented by the defendant Coronea Bogdan
was allowed to organize training courses. These aspects have led to illegal payments totaling 36 000 lei, which constitute an injury to the
Public taxes and taxes Constanta and at the same time an undue advantage to the "provider" of the respective services, "says the release of the DNA.

According to prosecutors, illegal payments were possible with the help of Coronea, who charged for fictitious vocational training services, as well as the deputy director of SPIT,
Tatu Carmena Carmen Aurelia, and Raşid Ghiulendan, head of HRS, allegedly signed the contracts and ordered the courses.

"In the same context, the defendant Coronea Bogdan-Andrei issued, as president of the association, false certificates of participation for a number of 30 persons (including
defendants Uzun Virginia, Rasid Ghiulendan and Trentea Tatu Carmen Aurelia). During the first professional training contract, in November 2017, the defendant Coronea Bogdan-Andrei
he gave the accused Uzun Virginia a bank card for the current account of the association he directed, so that the latter recovers and uses for himself various sums of money,
totaled 9500 lei ", said the statement of DNA.

The four, respectively three civil servants and the president of the association were sued by DNA prosecutors in a state of liberty for abuse of authority if the official obtained
for himself or for others, an undue advantage, in a continuous form, a false intellectual in a continuous form, a complicity of forgery in documents under private signature in a continuous form, misappropriation of funds
and the complicity of embezzlement.

Until now, the local council of Constanta has not communicated to the DNA if it was a civil party.

In the present case, the compensation was imposed on the bank accounts held by the four defendants.

The case was sent to the Constanţa Court for judgment, with the proposal to maintain the insurable measures ordered.

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