On July 27, the moon of the Sangerie rains our souls


  moon bloodsucker "src =" https://img.kudika.ro/storage/articles-content/2/1/1/1/1532421101/1532421101_luna sangerie.jpg "title =" bloody moon "/> [19659002] photo: By Beth Swanson, Shutterstock </em></small></p>
<div class= Moonlight Eclipse on July 27, 2018. Your zodiac mantra for this period

Just a few days before the heavenly spectacle that the Moon gives us on July 27th. that you can not see it with your eyes in the sky, but you know that the influence of the eclipse does not overwhelm anyone, you will feel it particularly emotionally

He just passed the eclipse New Moon in Cancer on July 13, as on July 27, there is a new eclipse, this time from the Full Moon, in the zodiac Aquarius, the eclipse series 2018 ends on August 11, with the New Eclipse Moon in Leu, the last of this year

Revenind to the eclipse that will happen, namely that it is not a common event, nor a trivial phenomenon, even very interesting but rather complicated

Eclipse d July 27 is special in many ways. It's a total eclipse, center, because no other has occurred since June 2011 so far. In addition, it will be the longest total lunar eclipse of this century, with a duration of 103 minutes. For us, the maximum of the eclipse will be seen in all splendor at 23.21, if we have a lucky blue sky

Why the Luna Sangerie

The name seems to be detached from the SF movies, but it does not have the same effect. There is nothing abnormal in the red color above the reminder that the Moon will be in the night of the eclipse. During lunar eclipses of this type, some of the sun's rays that pass through the Earth's atmosphere are reflected on the surface of the Moon and thus a hint of intense red, reddish or orange-red.

What to do (and no)

The full moon in general and eclipses in particular relate to the end of a cycle. There are times when, according to astrologers, we release or finalize a project, a road, a partnership, to direct us to other open doors. We focus our attention on feelings, romantic relationships, family and friends. We leave behind unpleasant experiences, wipe them with the sponge and take it to zero. The eclipse occurs in the Aquarius sign, but in conjunction with Mars, what you will see will push us from behind to have the initiative, to fight for our feelings and values, to say with determination what disturb us and what we want, we lose constraints and frustrations. We are stubborn on the white canvas and do not give in, especially when it comes to things or people we love. We are hyperprotective and sensitive, we sometimes react exaggeratedly for their good. Sensuality and desires float in the air, but they can not always be satisfied, which makes us restless.

What you have to do is rest, master, kneel to see the present better and the future. And think twice before acting.

 Month of the Sangerie picture: By muratart, Shutterstock

On July 24, Venus opposes Neptune which offers an unforgettable chance to impossible or forbidden love stories. they are all packed. It's a time full of challenges and desiccations, but in the end we will know exactly how we feel sentimental, some linking their destinies forever, others say goodbye, it's good to prove understanding and leniency.

On July 26, Mercury begins the seemingly retrograde movement that needs to praise great things, which we do not necessarily have the intention or the real possibility of putting them into practice. (19659005) First photo: By Muratart, Shutterstock

On July 27 and the longest eclipse of the 21st century

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