One dead and three injured in an accident in Timis County. SMURD helicopter requested – Last hour


A 22-year-old man died and three others were injured on Sunday after the car prevented them from boarding a road in Timis County, requesting the intervention of the SMURD helicopter to transport a person seriously injured in the hospital. , according to Mediafax

The road accident occurred Sunday, on the road that connects Timisoara to the city of Arad, Lipova, on the alley of the locality Alios, Timis County

According to representatives of the Timis County Police Inspectorate, the driver of a car, along with three more people, lost control of the steering wheel due to speed [19659003] The machine rolled and stopped in a pillar

Following the impact, a 22-year-old, the passenger in the car, died, and the other three people in the car were injured, with the 23-year-old driver in serious condition

At the scene of the accident, intervention of a SMURD helicopter for the transport of the driver from the machine to the hospital [19659003] The other two people, who were easily injured, were taken to the hospital with two ambulances. The police in Timiseni opened a criminal case for murder and bodily injury.

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