one soldier is dead, three others …


One soldier died, and three people, all of whom appeared to be soldiers, were seriously injured after the car in which they were on Wednesday night in a tree near the military unit. Boboc, Buzau County. One of the wounded was taken in charge by a SMURD helicopter and taken to a hospital in Bucharest, while the other two received medical care at the Buzau Hospital

UPDATE: The area under military control was isolated so that civilians could remotely monitor the rescue operations of the SMURD teams who responded to the scene of the tragedy.

Following a violent impact, one of the 22 years old, Robert C. died, another young man being taken in charge by a very serious helicopter SMURD after having suffered a fracture of base of the skull

The two others wounded were transported to a stable condition at the Buzău County Hospital with several limb and chest injuries

. ] The accident is the subject of an investigation by a team led by military prosecutors, who insist that the incident occurred within the company. 39, aviation unit.

Serious accident in Buzau. Upon first information, four youths were in a car and, near the Boboc military unit, the driver would have lost control of the wheel and the car would have entered a tree

. four young men, about 30 years old, were seriously injured.

The driver of the 32-year-old car, student of the military school "Traian Vuia" and Boboc's non-commissioned officer, died at the Buzau County Hospital, where, despite all the attempts of the doctors, he could not be saved

It seems that the other three people in the car are military, but the authorities have not yet confirmed. ] One of the wounded was taken care of by a SMURD helicopter that landed a short distance from the accident site, while the other two receive medical care at the township hospital from Buzau. 9659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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