Onea and Negulescu – under judicial supervision


Violeta Stoica

Lucian Onea, former Prosecutor General of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate – Ploiesti Territorial Service, and his former subordinate – Mircea Negulescu – were placed under judicial control yesterday in the record that the prosecutor's office at the High Court of The cassation court and the courts examine them for having filed evidence in an "elite unit" file.
The two prosecutors were again present yesterday at the Attorney General's office, where they were brought to their attention. the conditions they must meet while under judicial control
Practically what has been informally distributed since Wednesday, July 25 has become a reality: the preventive measure taken against Lucian Gabriel Onea and Mircea Negulescu was confirmed, and they admitted to the release of the Attorney General's office that they were placed under judicial control
. I will challenge this measure, which I consider illegal! ", Said Ploysti's former chief of DNA, Lucian Onea, to the press.
The incriminated prosecutors are not allowed to communicate with each other and with other people specified in the orders, they are not allowed to practice the profession of public prosecutor nor to hold the weapons.

Mircea Negulescu and Lucian Onea gave with the undersigned to the Prosecutor General, Anca Jurma, acting head of the National Anticorruption Directorate, had the control of the so-called "elite unit" in Ploiesti
The press office of the National Anticorruption Directorate announced Thursday evening that controls would be carried out at the Ploiesti Territorial Service of DNA: "Given the press release of the Office of the Prosecutor at the High Court of Cassation and Justice on July 25  3rd 2018, in reference to punish she is in motion of criminal action against Mr. Onea Lucia n Gabriel, prosecutor in the territorial service Ploiesti of the National Anticorruption Directorate, under the provisions of art. 65 para. (3) of the Law no. 304/2004 on the judicial organization, republished, of the art. 7 bed. s) of the Order of Internal Regulations of the National Directorate for the Fight Against Corruption, approved by the Order of the Minister of Justice n. 1643 / C / 2015 and the provisions of art. 3 para. (3) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 43/2002, corroborated with the provisions of art. 85 of the Law no. 304/2004 concerning the judicial organization, republished, the Attorney General of DNA, Mrs. Anca Jurma ordered the control to the Territorial Service Ploiesti, having for object: 1. the situation of the files and documents concerning, what whatever their procedural quality, Vlad Cosma, Andreea Cosma and Mircea Cosma, working at Ploiesti Territorial Service, the stage of the prosecution or settlement of these files / documents and the appointed prosecutors with their resolution; 2. the verification of the pleadings and the measures ordered by the prosecutor Onea Lucian Gabriel in the files and documents concerning, regardless of their procedural quality, Vlad Cosma, Andreea Cosma and Mircea Cosma, working at the Territorial Service Ploiesti, after 21.05. 2018.
The date of 21 May 2018 mentioned in the official information published by the National Directorate of the fight against corruption is the day when the pursuit of Lucian Onea began following the complaint filed by his former deputy Prahova Vlad Cosma
As the Attorney General's Office officially informed him, prosecutors of the Criminal Investigation and Criminal Investigation Section of the Procuratorate at the High Court of Cassation and Justice ordered the opening of A criminal case against the accused Onea Lucian, in terms of committing irregular participations, in the form of accomplices bribery, misconduct, misappropriation and abusive search. In fact, prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office noted that "in 2015" the accused Onea Lucian (Chief Prosecutor in the National Anti-Corruption Directorate – Ploiesti Territorial Service) participated in the coercion of a witness (threatening him directly from his sister in a criminal case) to falsely file a reference to another name and tables / voters with voters of the Republic of Moldova, documents showing that the voters were given the same. money as "electoral bribe." The documents were sent by fax and by post from Chisinau to the National Directorate for Combating Corruption – Ploiesti Territorial Service.Although it be known that the evidence was leaked by a witness, Prosecutor Onea Lucian of
asked the Prahova Court to arrest an accused for the offense of bribery of the voters by presenting to the court the documents
announced yesterday by the Attorney General's Office, shows that the charge was brought to the attention of the accused who were notified and the obligations imposed by the preventive measure of judicial review. "By orders of July 27, 2018, one of the accused, Onea Lucian Gabriel and Negulescu Mircea, was sentenced to apply the preventive measure of judicial review for a period of 60 days, from the date of the For the offenses for which criminal proceedings have been brought, inter alia, by imposing the following obligations: not to communicate with each other and with certain persons mentioned in the orders, not to practice the profession of public prosecutor; not to hold, not to use or carry weapons, "said representatives of the public prosecutor's office at the High Court of Cassation and Justice

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