OPINION | Lelia Munteanu: Trump thinks he can apply to Iran the recipe of North Korea


After threatening it hard, the President of the United States requests a meeting with the Iranians

  Image Article OPINIE | Lelia Munteanu: Trump thinks he can apply Iranian recipe from North Korea

OPINIE | Lelia Munteanu: Trump thinks it can apply to the recipe of North Korea

It's been only a week since President Donald J. Trump defended Iran by fire and anger, threatening "apocalyptic" consequences and,

Yesterday, at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, he came back as Washington: he is ready to see his Iranian counterpart at any time without preconditions. "It's good for the country, good for them, good for us and good for humanity.No pre-conditions.If [iranienii] wants to meet, I meet (…). think they'll probably want to meet us, and do not make that call out of strength or weakness.I think it's necessary to do it. "

I have not seen Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in this unexpected statement, but I have no doubt that his face fell

It took a few hours to get it and head for a television station (CNBC), trying to deceive Trump's statement. In an interview with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, the head of American diplomacy gave him a nuance, all the more, personally and very closely, that he had seized, not long ago , to declare that a possible high-level meeting between Washington and Tehran will only be possible when the regime of "hypocritical clerics" has undergone some changes. Pompeo had even removed a dozen mandatory conditions, a few days earlier, as a boss's regular genius to shake everything up. He scolded, unconvincingly and needlessly: "If the Iranians demonstrate their commitment to making fundamental changes in the way they treat their own citizens, if they reduce their malign behavior, I can agree that". it is useful to enter, a nuclear agreement that prevents proliferation.Then the president said that he was ready to sit down and talk with them. "Claiming that he does not did not understand Donald Trump's clear message – "without preconditions", the former CIA chief just managed to induce public opinion that between the president and his secretary of state there were flagrant inconsistencies. It's not difficult to deduce that, as it happened a week ago with Twitter threats, today, when there seems to be a meeting with the Iranians, the leader of the White House has not consulted anyone. At least not who should have been the subject.

Iran is not North Korea, although Trump applies the same rudimentary recipe. President Hassan Ruhani, directly targeted, was even less than the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, who mocked his joy, always reminding the president that he had prevented him from signing the bill. nuclear agreement in 2015

Tehran mandated him to meet the offer of the President of the United States to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who declined the invitation: with the & # 39; 39, current administration, which does not provide guarantees of trust, the possibility of a dialogue is almost impossible.

It is the second time that Iran refuses to talk with Trump about America. The first time happened last year. After vehement attacks on Tehran and anti-Iranian anger at the UN office, Donald J. Trump has quietly made President Ruhani's proposal a meeting of experts.

The refusal was equally categorical.

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