Orban, about the discussion Dăncilă-Juncker: Does not understand that the reference is not only for high treason – Politics


NLP President Ludovic Orban said that Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă told European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that he did not understand that his complaint was about several things. Mediafax.

"I understood that Ms. Dăncilă had complained to Jean-Claude Juncker that I had complained, I guess the President of the European Commission was very interested in this case." What Ms. Tancilla does not understand is that I did not file a complaint about the disclosure of secret state information, the usurpation from the Office and the refusal to inform us. people's interests, a diplomatic relationship that you have for decades with a country, I do not decide if anyone is guilty, I felt the need to complain, we broke our relationship with many countries, we had special relations with Israel and several Arab countries There are things you can not go with boots because you are Dragnea, "said the president of PNL, Ludovic Orban, Thursday evening in a show

Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă said that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and First Vice President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, were very surprised that the accusation of high treason against the chief of the executive is associated with a diplomatic act.

In an interview with Antena 3, interviewed at the meeting in Brussels with Jean-Claude Juncker and Frans Timmermans, and questioned by the leader of the NLP, Ludovic Orban, Prime Minister Dăncilă answers Yes.

"Yes. I have touched this subject. I reiterated that it is unexplained for me and for many Romanians. High treason is associated with a diplomatic act with a state with which we have a strategic partnership. They were very surprised at this. I have informed, because I do not want to get to Brussels distortion of information. I said that I'm not afraid of the research that will be done, things that will be needed to get around this topic. I want to clarify this, but at the same time I think it has not worked well for Romania. And this conviction has been reinforced as a result of the discussions we have had, "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă in an interview with Antena 3.

Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă made it Tuesday in Brussels where he met the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans

A few months ago, the government announced its intention to transfer the embassy from Romania to Israel Orban filed a criminal complaint in which he accuses Liviu Dragnea and Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă of "the disclosure of secret information, the usurpation of function and the refusal to inform the President of Romania "in the case of the AMF memorandum on the move of the Israeli embassy, ​​Mediafax

Dragnea has no reason to suspend. My opinion is that he will be killed by his collar

Ludovic Orban said Thursday that Liviu Dragnea had no reason to request the suspension of President Klaus Iohannis and that he would be "killed" by his colleagues because, by his decisions the leader of the PSD , the party may not compete with the government, according to Mediafax.

"For the moment, the madman of Dragnea has no pretense, no reason to be able to submit a request for suspension of the presidency, even his legislators do not believe it anymore, they often look I think Dragnea will be killed by his colleagues because he drives the PSD into the valley, and I think the biggest fear of the Peshdestas is that Dragnea will lead them to scores.Ludovic Orban in a show aired Thursday night on Realitatea TV

The PSD president, Liviu Dragnea, said Monday that the subject of the suspension of the president will continue in the party and in the coalition, even if the president has made the decision to dismiss Laura Codruta Kovesi

"If we take this decision we then present it. serious discussion that we have to wear very sad because it is a very serious approach. This is not a game issue, but unfortunately the President has long shown that he does not respect the Constitution, does not respect his attributions, does not have the power to be president parties, without party interests, to be a mediator between the powers of the state. , says Liviu Dragnea

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