Orban, about the unification of the Strait: PSD went so hard that no coalition is needed


NLP President Ludovic Orban said that "the PSD has gone so hard right now" that it does not seem necessary to form a coalition with USR, PMP and the new Party, Romania movement together , led by former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos

  Orban Image of Strait Unification: PSD went so hard in the head that no coalition is needed

So badly in the head that no coalition is needed

Requested Thursday night in a broadcast broadcast by the television station Realitatea, if it excludes a grand coalition of the Democratic Convention, with USR , PMP and Cioloş, NLP leader Ludovic Orban replied: "I'm waiting to define myself from the point of view of doctrine." PSD went so hard that I do not think that a coalition is needed now. , and Ponta did not go We are in dialogue, we cooperate, we have common actions, when we need joint efforts, but it is useless to discuss such measures. NLP will participate in its own lists because it does not mix European political families. During the presidential elections, I know that the PNL will support Iohannis and I have no other guarantees regarding the presidential elections of the other political parties. As for the local, surely we will think of different alliances, where we must fight the PSD. "

He added that ALDE" dies "and if he leaves he does not leave the government

" ALDE is a party the type of leader, which depends on M Tariceanu. If ALDE lets the decision die, if ALDE stays with the PSD in power, it will die, "added Orban.

The leader of the PNL also said that the party would find the best solution to beat the PSD and give the government the next parliamentary elections in 2020.

"We will find the best solution before the parliamentary elections so that we can guarantee that we will have the majority and we will form the government, which is what I say to you 100% ", concludes Ludovic Orban.

On a possible unification of the right, Dacian Ciolos told MEDIAFAX Wednesday that this could be done around a common project and shared values, not a person

"A project for Romania must be based on common goals that are more important than one person or another.I see one.The unification of the right, democratic forces, it is above all values ​​and A program for Romania Candidates, no matter what they are, should be a consequence of this approach, and they should be chosen around integrity, honesty and proven professionalism. Is the only way to reform the political class, "said former MEDIADAX Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos, the current leader of the Movement Movement of Romania.

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