Orban does not rule out the extension of the extraordinary session of Parliament for an OUG on offshore law


NLP President Ludovic Orban said that he had information that the special session could be extended so that the government could issue an emergency ordinance amending the law. offshore for it to take effect without it being necessary to adopt

  Orban does not exclude the extension of the extraordinary session of the Parliament for a OUG on offshore law [19659003] Orban does not rule out the extraordinary session of Parliament for an offshore law EGO </p>
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"We followed that the Bureau was convened The Senate and the House may have been convened permanently, which does not necessarily mean that there is a need for Thursday, because the Parliament still sits in extraordinary session, in accordance with the Constitution.Emissions of emergency, if the Parliament did not meet in session, is sufficient Parliament in extraordinary session within a maximum period of five days from the publication of the GEO. (…) The information we have is related to the form in which the law on offshore taxation was adopted, "said PNL President Ludovic Orban Wednesday evening in a press release at the headquarters of the party of Modrogan. Alley

The statements of the leader of the PNL are inscribed in the context of a question about the possibility of a government Emergency Ordinance on amnesty and pardon [19659005] "I do not sincerely believe that it will be issued (amnesty and pardon). Anyway, I sent very serious signals, but I hope that he will not dare to commit such shame that would put Romania in the air. As moving as Dragnea's desperation may be, many institutional players will react if such a decision is made and take a huge personal responsibility. And it does not seem to me that many of them are ready to do the work, "added Mr. Orban.

On July 9, the Chamber of Deputies adopted as a decision-making body the draft measures for the exploitation of the gas of the Black Sea, with 175 votes in favor, 30 against and 30 abstentions The legislative initiative adopted by the deputies regulates the implementation of offshore oil operations by petroleum permits offshore oil companies

This week, information was released in the public area at which the government would like a GEO for pardon and amnesty, which would be the last week that Cabinet Dăncilă could issue orders of Emergency, Thursday being the last day of the extraordinary session, and it would not be necessary to convene the Parliament for later adoption

Vlad Alexandrescu, said that Thursday night at 18:00 was con called a session of the Permanent Bureau of the Senate, and that the PSD-ALDE will probably wish to extend the special session until August 10th.

"It is unacceptable what happens, treats the parliamentary opposition as servants of a man! Today, they have sent me a message calling to the permanent office of the Senate at 6 pm, without any explanation, no agenda, they call us to decide tomorrow, but we do not know what to decide, we do not know what they expect, most likely they want to extend the special session until To August 10, as some sources say, but we can not be sure that democracy is secretly made in the Romanian Parliament, "said Vlad Aexandrescu in a post on Wednesday.

The Senate Standing Bureau will hold a meeting on Thursday, starting at 6:00 pm, according to the website of the Upper House of Parliament, members of Cabinet Dăncilă will meet at Victoria Palace on Thursday at 1:00 pm. Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă met President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday morning at the Cotroceni Palace, after which the government announced that Dăncilă and Iohannis had discussed preparations for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in January 2019.

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