Orban: Dragnea will keep Dăncilă at home. It risks boosting international relations


NLP President Ludovic Orban asked Liviu Dragnea to "stay home" Viorica Dăncilă because otherwise he risks boosting Romania's international relations. The request of the liberal leader comes in the context where Dăncilă confused the capital of Montenegro with the capital of Kosovo

  The image of Orban: Dragnea to keep Dăncilă at home. Risks for dynamic international relations

Orban: Dragnea to keep Dăncilă at home. Risk of international relations

"I ask Dragnea to stay at her home in Dăncilă, because if she leaves her free to cross the world, she will become a public danger for Romania's international relations, the faction of Parliament or a show television, we can ignore its inability to read the texts available to it or the lack of knowledge of the Romanian language. But if it is allowed to circulate freely around the world may blaze a lot of international relations The monumental gaffe committed during Montenegro's visit can not be treated in the chapter of laughter and we move on to something else. It is unacceptable that you go to a foreign country as Prime Minister to not know the name of the country's capital. So confuse the capital of the country where you are going in the official visit with the capital of another The President of the PNL, Ludovic Orban, ad clarified Thursday at a press conference at the party headquarters

that he accused the worst is that Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă has embarrassed the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, with that of "In the case from Priština and Kosovo, it is a country that Romania has not recognized, which further aggravates the monumental gaffe committed by the Prime Minister. Dăncilă. Of course, it would be better for Dăncilă and for Romania, it would be that Dăncilă leaves the Victoria Palace, but I doubt that Dragnea can be dispensed from this moment by this servant who executes his bad orders, "said Orban. Viorica Dăncilă made another mistake on Wednesday during a joint statement with her Montenegrin counterpart Dusko Markovic, saying that she was happy to be in Priština, the capital of Kosovo, although she in the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica

"I am happy to be here today in Priştina during the first visit of a Romanian Prime Minister to Montenegro", said Viorica Dăncilă at beginning of his statement, according to publications filmed in the public space

Gafa was corrected by the translator translated Podgorica instead of Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, unrecognized by Romania Later on the chain Y ouTube of the Montenegrin government, the sound of the Romanian Prime Minister

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