Orestes, angry at the cops after punishing him for not complying with the law


In a post posted on his Facebook account, the former TV presenter called the hashtag "resist" and presented a story as if broken movies: " This gentleman is stopping me in traffic without telling me the reason, tell me to tell him where I come from and show him the papers! I do it obviously, but I wonder what's the reason! He always responds and barricades in the car , smelling something unintelligible! It smells weird and becomes aggressive when I ask him the second time why he keeps me at 1:35 pm I hold my driver's license and the newsletter without any motivation! After 15 minutes trying to find what he wants from me, I come home … it was something weird! Mrs. Dan, give her a lady! The man s & # 39; is striving to be helpful to the cause! Too bad that he just broke all the laws!

PS: Maybe I bring my papers back home, they stayed in the organ without any explanation! Pam Pam! ", Writes Oreste on Facebook.In addition, he also published a photo of the traffic officer, the exhibitor to a wider audience.

Hours after this post, the reporter returned with another statement claiming that he was "a victim of CLAR abuse committed by the agent" Shahid Punjabi "because he did not did not show up.

"Last night, around 1:25 am, I was a victim of clear service abuse.In Tanganu, I was arrested by a traffic officer, whom I 39 I saw exclusively because of the white equipment.I pulled just to my right and after that, I entered a chapter of Kafka …

The agent, whom I will call Shahid Punjabi, because he did not appear, asked that my papers be checked, I gave him the license, the ticket, the newsletter, auto insurance. He then asked me to open the trunk and show him what I had in my bag. Surprised, he discovers that we have clothes … he is superior: "So you have clothes? Where do you come from and where are you going?"

I get angry and I answer, "Well, what did you want me to do, Goethe …? And as far as I know: who am I? Where I come from and where I'm right, are philosophical questions, not the police of the road! "And please let me know why I was arrested!

He raises me up and, authoritarian as a maharajah, tells me firmly to go in the car … I refuse, replying that I am in the public space and do not understand to follow his invitation he's not telling me the reason he pulled me straight!

Shahid, irritated on the heights, is introduced to the police car, alongside a shy gendarme. Close the window and look at a fixed point on the steering wheel. After about 15 minutes when I looked absolutely puzzled, I hit them in the windshield, taking up the question on the motive.

"Get in the car, I hold your license because you do not listen to the orders, I told you to stay in the car!"

In his car it smells weird, a mixture of sweat, tobacco, and it seems to me alcohol … I tell him that I will answer his request only if he shows me in the settlement that he can stop me 15 minutes for no reason. .

Somboring something, in Sanskrit, I think and back to weird apathy! Finally, I also lose patience and I tell him that he does not give me any file or papers, I will go home because I sleep!

He passes me on the line of the open window to do what I want … I left leaving the papers in his possession after making these pictures.

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