Other cases of measles! What does the Minister of Health say about the situation in Constanta?


The number of measles cases increases from one week to the next. Thus, the total number of confirmed cases with measles reported in Romania up to July 20 is 14,758, of which 59 deaths, according to the National Institute of Public Health

in the week of 16.07. – 20.07.2018 57 new confirmed cases were reported in 10 counties and in

Bucharest. Present in Constanţa, Health Minister Sorina Pintea said at the end of the week that, unlike some counties in the country, the situation in Constanţa is not alarming. "Constanza is really good in this chapter compared to other counties," said the minister. For example, in the week mentioned above, no cases of measles were reported in Constanţa, unlike in Buzău where 19 cases were recorded, Bucharest-11, Iaşi-9, Bihor-8, Bacau-2 , Braşov-2 etc.

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