Parliament adopts the creation of the SPP inquiry commission


The joint plenary assembly of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate on Wednesday adopted a draft decision establishing the joint commission of inquiry to verify the possible involvement of the SPP in the activity of certain political parties and party leaders

with 234 votes in favor, 9 against and 3 abstentions.

The PNL proposed in plenary on Wednesday to withdraw this item from the agenda, but the request was rejected by the parliamentary majority. The head of Liberal MPs, Raluca Turcan, accused that the project had not been previously approved by the Joint Permanent Bureaus, so it should not be voted in plenary session.

"Starting to remove the intelligence services was at the OPI meeting on June 26th, but the plenary session was to be put on the agenda after the BPR. not there and you will use the creation of the SPP inquiry commission and these two points are part of your procedure .. defy any decision of the CCR, because the two points have no constitutional basis

Now you separate and take to the SPP Defense Committee and another one in which you create a new commission. "We ask you to remove these items from the agenda in order to abandon this obsession to control the services politically, "Raluca told the plenary session Turcan

The chairman of the meeting, Florin Iordache, told Ralucai Turcan that the project was approved at the June 26 session of the Permanent Bureau P and that it was read verbatim from the meeting.

"I believe these amnesties at this mic, because we were exactly one beside the other when we spoke with Mrs. Turcan of these two points on the agenda. Do not intentionally remember these things that I will not honor, "said PSD deputy leader Daniel Suciu, immediately after Iordache's intervention.

Basescu has asked his colleagues to think 10 times before vote

Senator PMP Traian Basescu argued that Parliament should not approve the creation of this commission of inquiry because an investigation into the Custody and Protection Service will have international repercussions in the context of PPS the protection of United Nations representatives traveling to conflict zones.

"Parliament has the right to conduct investigations anywhere, no matter when. This desire to investigate is based on Mr. Stanescu's statement that a messenger has come to say that it will be a political intervention of the SPP. For the most part, I will point out that the SPP conducts external missions to Darfur and Libya. Their missions abroad must protect the envoys of the UN in these areas

The involvement of the SPP in a parliamentary inquiry will not be an element that will lead to extend the mandate of the SPP to ensure the representation of the UN in conflict zones. My prayer is to keep this in mind when it is a structure that applies security to war zones. Even if there was a vote, after all, a vote is not something that can not be recovered.

My prayer is that we can revise the vote when it comes to the discussion with the inquiry commission that will generate international mistrust. Remember that any foreign dignitary entering Romanian territory has the security provided by the SPP. My prayer is to think 10 times before going to such an action, "said former President Traian Basescu before voting on the bill.

How to get the" right "? SPP Inquiry [19659003February10th-PrimeMinisterPaulStanescuarpporthefirstpeakerofSPPhaddeclaredthatLiviuDragneaswould"beexecutedinwhichmemberpart"declared'ilnes'wasnotcomplainedbythechairmanoftheparty

"I am deputy prime minister of Romania, but I am also a free man, I can walk, I can go where I want and I do not need security. Some things are hard to prove. It is a political decision to establish such a commission (on SPP – And there is a lot to do and I tell you the most important thing: I have been in the ministry for a few months – there is great pressure on them, everyone in my ministry says why sign that I'm scared every time I can go elsewhere

I think we need to clarify things, become a normal society, as our partners in the EU, but not all the time there are "reasonable suspicions" whenever you are afraid to do things. A society can not develop under pressure, a society can grow if things are normal in a country, "said Paul Stanescu

On April 3, the CCR accepted complaints from the PNL and the US. USR concerning the creation of the parliamentary inquiry commission. of the activity of the head of the PSP, Lucian Pahontu, which means that this commission could not work, so that Parliament has set up another for the entire Service, not just for the director of the SPP. com and on Facebook! Comment and see in your new Facebook news feed the most recent and interesting articles from

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