Petition "Stop the politicization of culture!", Signed by nearly 300 cultural personalities


Nearly 300 filmmakers, actors, producers, screenwriters, writers, visual artists are petitioning the ruling coalition to rescind provisions of Emergency Ordinance No. 75/2018 on cultural and cultural projects. film projects,

Among the signers of the petition "Stop the politicization of culture" are the directors – Nae Caranfil, Radu Jude, Stere Gulea, Alexandru Solomon, Calin Netzer, Corneliu Porumboiu, Marian Crisan, Radu Muntean, Tudor Giurgiu, Catalin Mitulescu, Paul Negoescu, Alexander Nanau, producers – Ada Solomon, Anamaria Antoci, Radu Stancu, actors – Victor Rebengiuc, Marius Manole, Ana Ularu, theater directors – Alexandru Dabija, Radu Afrim, Vlad Massaci, critics – Andrei Gorzo , Andrei Rus, Iulia Popovici, directors of the image – Vivi Dragan Vasile, Marius Panduru, members of the Active Watch Association, former Minister of Culture Corina Şuteu, and other names of importa A precedent of the Romanian cultural scene: Radu Vancu, Florin Iaru, Lia and Dan Perjovschi, Cosmin Bumbuţ, can be seen in a statement sent to Cinemagia

Below the text of the petition:

Committee members of the Romanian Senate

At a single governmental meeting, with the mere signature of some ministers on an emergency ordinance (GEO 76/2018), the culture in Romania risks losing its freedom of thought.

We have long believed that the de-politicization of much of the public financing of culture and the support of public funds, on artistic and non-partisan criteria, of Romanian cinematography, so internationally appreciated, are and will remain European achievements for

We believe that by directly including the employees of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity in the evaluation committees cultural projects and cinematographic projects, composed mainly of In the reference fields, with at least three years of seniority, the policy wants direct intervention in cultural and cinematographic production. For those unfamiliar with these funding mechanisms, we draw attention to the fact that the expert commissions (of the National Cultural Fund and the Film Fund) are often made up of three people and one of them. Interference of a non-expert appointed committee member has direct and immediate effects on the political independence of the selection.

The independence of artists, the guarantee of their free expression in the various forms of art and unlimited access to cultural funds are minimum conditions for the development of culture in a democratic state and European. This culture has the status of public service.

The financing of culture on political or partisan criteria is a phenomenon of totalitarian systems where culture is only a tool for propaganda and control of thought, expression and belief. creativity. A phenomenon that we hoped not to see again. Public access to a politically-funded culture reminds us of the times we were hoping for.

For these reasons, we express our concern about the provisions of Emergency Ordinance 76/2018, which seem to confirm an attempt to control and we urge Parliament to debate urgently of the OGE 76/2018 during the autumn session to put an end to the political interference whose suspicion raises the normative act.

We urge the cancellation of the provisions of the GEO to We also call on the cultural commissions of Parliament to engage in a dialogue with the Minister of Culture George Ivaşcu and with representatives of the cultural sector, dialogue that the Minister does not did not want and did not seem to want. that he wants to bring directly with the artists, about the current policy of the Ministry of Culture and National Authorities Identity (author of this order) and what justifies the recent steps taken by MCIN

The text of the petition and the list of signatories can be found here :

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