Petre Daea, on the incineration of swine fever …


Petre Daea, Minister of Agriculture, compares the incineration of pigs on Romanian farms, after African swine fever, to what happened at Auschwitz, the largest camp in Africa. Nazi extermination, where they were gassed and cremated. Millions of Jews

"Unfortunately we have to sacrifice 45,000 heads to Carniprod and we have bad news that the virus is in another complex – meaning 17,000 – 18,000 heads." of vaccine, there are no drugs to relieve the disease, the only method is the sacrifice, these pigs are incinerated (…), it's good work, there is Like Auschwitz, gentlemen, the present pigs who go from here, gather, go on the other side and set fire, others are isolated, the procedure is done by veterinarians, who are on the verge of psychological resistance, to stay with 2-3000 pigs a day kill them, faces a difficult situation of exp "[19609008] Petre Daea told Antena 3, according to [19659003] The Romanian Movement Together demands the resignation of Minister Daea

The Romanian Movement Together, he asks the Minister of Foreign Affairs Growing Petre Daea, to resign urgently after "the incalculable statement by which he compared the incineration of pigs with the Holocaust".

"It is unacceptable that a Romanian government minister compares the incineration of pigs with the Holocaust, a global tragedy condemned by Romania. The message of Minister Daea is incalculable, we ask for his resignation or his resignation urgently. There are cases where superficiality can be amusing, but this situation shows a lack of discernment on the part of the Minister of Agriculture, shows in a position posted on the website of the Romania Ensemble Movement [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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