Philip Morris wants to leave the production of conventional cigarettes


Cigarette maker Philip Morris International wants to abandon conventional cigarette production over time and recommends that smokers use less risky alternatives to electronic cigarettes or appliances that heat tobacco compared to cigarette smoke as well as iQOS, said Moira Gilchrist, International Vice President of Public Communication and Scientific Philip Morris

"We want to give up the production of conventional cigarettes over time and smokers use less risky products."

We already have an example in Japan, where a very high percentage of smokers drop conventional cigarettes in favor of iQOS, "said Moira Gilchrist, vice president, for News.

That said, for example, in the United Kingdom, the number of smokers choosing electronic cigarettes that was warmed instead of classics

The product iQOS, present in Romania for more than two years, has been launched so far on more than 38 markets and the number of users has exceeded five million

120,000 smokers have turned to products heated tobacco, such as iQOS

. "In the tobacco sector, most people think that they should opt for less dangerous variants.The technology already exists.We are concerned that young people should not use conventional cigarettes at all."

Each year, about 5% of smokers quit smoking [19459018]

Moira Gilchrist notes that, "It is very important to tell smokers that they have better, less harmful variants. We do not want ads to be allowed on television, but we ask that we be able to tell smokers that they have these variants, such as electronic cigarettes or heated tobacco products. always a better option than conventional cigarettes, "she says.

In turn, the representative of the University of Louisville, USA, Brad Rodu, professor of medicine of Romanian origin, says that a smoker It is extremely difficult to stop from smoking. Every year, about 5% of smokers quit. But sometimes they give up and start again. But it is extremely difficult to stop smoking permanently. The solution for those who can not give up is to choose products that do not burn tobacco.

Nicotine is addictive just like caffeine. Smoking is the one who kills. But smokers can turn to electronic cigarettes or products that heat tobacco, "says Professor Brad Rodu

In Romania, there are about 5 million smokers


"But now there are products that heat and do not burn tobacco, like iQOS.It is a less damaging option.Smokers are trying different ways to quit smoking like group or hypnosis, but it's very difficult. "

Philip Morris International data show that there are about 5 million smokers in Romania. the top ten EU countries after the number of smokers reported in the population

Read and No cigarettes and electronic devices that heat tobacco in closed public places – invoice

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