PHOTO. An impressive gesture of a dog who helped a cyclist, fallen in the Semenic Mountains, survive


A 40-year-old man from Caras-Severin County, who was injured and entered hypothermia after falling on Semeninc Mountain, was helped by a dog to survive, the quadruped was seriously injured. with his body, the correspondent MEDIAFAX reports.

The 40-year-old rider from Reşiţa, Caras-Severin County, fell off the bike Monday night while climbing down Mount Semenic, when a nearby dog ​​came to his aid, writes Mediafax.

"The gendarmes of the Montan Văliug gendarmerie station were presented on the spot to give first aid.On arrival, the cyclist reported pain in the clavicle area and was in a state of hypothermia The big surprise, the exciting moment of this event was when the cyclist fell and stayed on the side of the road.There was a puppy in the woods that stood next to the victim, as well as he was warming it with his body.On arrival, the dog was sitting next to a cyclist and did not go out in our presence or when the ambulance team arrived ", said Marius Sandulescu, spokesman for the gendarmerie Gara-Severin, to the MEDIAFAX correspondent. 19659004] The animal did not leave the bike even after he was taken to the ambulance and ran after the rescue as much as he could

" After the on-site medical care, the person was rescued in the rescue, how much the dog also jumped into the rescue.It was hard to get out.On leaving, the dog started running after the ambulance until he was losing track .He was a stray dog ​​with the help of us and an association of Reşiţa, we identified the dog and, upon request County council vice president Ionut Popovici, who expressed his willingness to adopt it, I found them.He was a dog known by everyone in this region, "said Marius Sandulescu.

The victim was transported to a hospital in Timisoara, the man being hospitalized in the orthopedic section

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