PHOTO / Sexy bomber at the pool. Pictures of sensation with the granddaughter of Adi de Valcea


It is already well known that the granddaughter of Adi de Valcea is a sexy bombshell of Romanian showbiz. Roxana Dobriţoiu delighted the pursuers with a series of fresh photos taken by the pool.

Blonde wears a green swimsuit that lets the generous cleavage awaken everyone's fantasies. Roxana Dobriţoiu has reached her beach outfit with a hat, a pair of sunglasses and an intense pink lipstick that catches the eye.

The feline forms attracted many appreciations and comments from his fans. "Roxana Dobritoiu is one of the most attractive and sexiest menelists in Romania and manages to make the warm atmosphere every time he makes his appearance.At the same time, the blonde is the niece of the singer Adi of Valcea It is the so-called "Beyonce of Romania."

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