Piatra-Neamt Soprano newspaper Elena Mosuc wrote the latest issue of "Music Vacations", edition 45


The "45th edition of" Musical Holiday "was held yesterday and was organized by the Carmen Saeculare Center for Culture and the Arts.

The history of" Musical Vacations "was closed by a Opera music concert, in the foreground the soprano Elena Mosuc, Iasi
The soloist was accompanied by the Romanian National Opera Orchestra in Iasi, under the direction of the Marcello Chiefs Mottadelli (Italy) and Christoph Hebeisen (Switzerland), the guitar Bogdan Mihăilescu
Soprano Elena Mosuc came to the meloman on the Tower Square with "Resonance", an original musical project conceived and presented for the first time in Romania

  • Elena Mosuc is very attached to the Zurich Opera, where she has shown her talent and dedication to the stage in various roles, such as the Queen of the Night.Constance, Donna Anna, Zerbinetta, Lucia, Linda di Chamounix, Elviira, Gilda, Violetta, Mimi, Musetta, Micaela Maria Stuarda, Norma She has been invited to sing on the most famous international stages (at the "Scala" Theater in Milan, Vienna, the Covent Garden Opera in London, the Bastille, the Opéra Comique, at the Palais Garnier and the Champs-Elysees "in Paris, Rome, Turin, Venice, Palermo, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Bucharest, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Tel Aviv)

" I knew, since I've been here, was small, that it was a prestigious and quality festival. I liked it a lot when I received the invitation from the organizers. I was asked if I could do an opera night, and I proposed my new project "Resonance", which is a mix between different musical genres, between darkness and the light (sad songs mixed with more joyful). There were new songs orchestrated especially for me. It was a difficult concert, I had to vocalize to adapt to different styles. I was honored and happy to support this concert, for the first time, in Piatra Neamţ. " soprano Elena Mosuc confessed

The concert was broadcast live by TVR Iaşi

Another reason for joy for soprano Elena Mosuc, besides the success of the project" Resonance ", was the celebration 25 years of marriage with the Swiss Christoph Hebeisen, a moment marked on the stage of "Music Vacations."

We arrived on the last evening of where we had a fantastic trip to the city. a week in the world of music, with important names that have delighted every evening their benefits.We thank all for the dedication and professionalism! Our thanks to our most important supporter, the County Council Neamţ, who has us We also thank our partners – Piatra-Neamt Town Hall, Youth Theater, Artistic High School, Museum Complex, sponsors, media.Thank you, Dr. Mihaela Spiridon, artistic director of the Festival. Festival, which was involved in an extraordinary way in its organization and, of course, to our loyal public who was next to the 45th anniversary of ! ", Carmen Nastase, Director of the Center for Culture and Arts" Carmen Saeculare "

The 45th edition of the International Festival" Musical Holidays "ended with a magnificent firework display [19659010] (function (d, s, id) {
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