Pixel Stand appears in the Google app code. Wireless charging station expected next to Pixel 3


Here's the exciting new weekend that will end with the upcoming Pixel 3 terminals, as products could come with a more special accessory. He called Pixel Stand and his name was discovered as a result of a Google 8.14 disassembly process, and in the ranks below, we discuss possible features that this dock could offer as a package. 19659002] We find that the role of this dock is first of all the alternative more accessible to the new speakers Google Assistant with integrated display, the models that are getting closer to the sale this month . The stand ready for Google will allow users of Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL to remotely interact with Google Assistant by voice commands

In addition to this feature, the report also states that the dock Pixel Stand can support for wireless charging, a technology that Pixel fans eagerly await on new devices. The reason this technology would also be implemented on the dock is that the audience will not be conquered by a simple dock with voice assistant capabilities, so wireless charging could be a selling point.

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