Poland proposes a Peoples' Union, Morawiecki told the European Parliament – International


"Europeans do not have more enthusiasm for integration, some of them even show open opposition, and this is not a marginal phenomenon. which is proof that we have made mistakes and an opportunity to correct them "- Muratowski told the European Parliament, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, according to Rzeczpospolita, quoted by Rador

Morawiecki participates in the European Parliament in the debate on the 39, the future of the Community. "If it was not the Iron Curtain and the division of Europe after the Second World War, Poland would also have been among the founding states of the EU" – recalled the Prime Minister polish to the PE forum. He added that precisely because of this, "as a full member of the EU", Poland wants to participate as much as possible in the search for constructive solutions for the EU

"Each country has the right to form its own legal system "- stressed the head of the Polish government. Morawiecki said that for him the European initiative "has always been in line with the rationality of the Polish state."

"The EU is experiencing existential crises," said Morawiecki, stressing in this context "the banking, financial, Brexit and aggressive political sector of Russia". In the assessment of Morawiecki, these crises show that "the EU needs a new opening."

In Morawiecki's assessment, these crises show that "the EU needs a new opening."

Cause of lack of trust in the EU is – according to Morawiecki – that "people have the gene of freedom in them and they want to decide their own lives". "When I see losing this influence, the natural instinct is to resist this situation," said Morawiecki. "European integration is one of the best ideas in the history of Europe and the world, but the future development of the EU must take into account the voice of the citizens For the European project to advance, its democratic legitimacy needs to be strengthened, "Morawiecki said. "It can be said that it is populism, but the answer to the expectations of the citizens is all populism."
Why did Morawiecki present the vision of "The Union of Peoples 2.0", which refers to the Union of the People of Charles de Gaulle? "It's the vision of the EU that Poland wants to propose." Focusing on three issues – he stressed that these issues are: "Union 4.0, the EU as before -post of a new industrial revolution, a deep common market, the issue of European security and the comprehensive civic dimension of the EU.

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