Politicians do not want to obey the law that will affect all Romanians


A proposed UDMR senator and his colleagues from most other parties voted for an amendment to the law transposing the provisions of the famous GDPR regulation in Romania, which will completely change the conditions under which personal data can be processed.

By this amendment, brought to the end of the discussions in the committees and proposed the day of the motion of censure, when the attention of everyone is directed to the fate of the government, the political parties are excluded provisions of the GDPR, alongside national minorities and NGOs. s.

"The processing of personal data and personal data is allowed to political parties and organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities, non-governmental organizations, to achieve their objectives without the express consent of the person concerned but subject to guarantees referred to in the previous paragraph, "shows the article recently introduced in the bill.The direct application of this article is that political parties can still use the databases during election campaigns and beyond For example, they will always be able to send the so-called SMS calls with the call to vote, without asking permission from those they address.The only conditions that they will have to fulfill are to guarantee the right of rectification and deletion if the data subject asks to be deleted from the database, for example.

Everyone pays and fits, parties are more special

Unlike political parties, hundreds of thousands of authorized businesses and individuals who work with personal data are required to make Significant IT investments and change the way it works to comply with GDPR rules. For example, insurance brokers or profile companies will not even be able to tell their clients that they have expired the policy without first obtaining their consent. To secure this deal, insurance salespeople have made investments totaling millions of euros in adjusting programs and sending customer messages.

Even the press is not overwhelmed by the GDPR: journalists will have to make sure that the data they work with are kept in safe places where they can not be seen by colleagues.

Even doctors will have to make patients accept to operate with their personal data.

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