Ponta, reaction to Kovesi's home: We did not visit, as she did with Dragnea


Former Prime Minister Victor Ponta responded on Facebook to journalist Sorina Matei who claims that former chief DNA attorney, Laura Codruta Kovesi, would have benefited from a housing, even though she had private property.

"Sorina Matei has published some very real information about the houses Koves uses – very interesting, but … How many times does Kovesi have a problem?" Dragnea puts people in the press to hijack the house. beware of handling and "washing" – is it his duty under the Protocol that he signed in 2014? Ponta on Facebook

To protect Kovesi from these new revelations, "the friend" Dragnea immediately spoke with reporters that he pays the biggest and asked "to come up with a lie that the government of Ponta gave the emergency order for receive Kovesi's house, "says the former prime minister. It is obvious that there is a lie called "Dragnea" which deceives people naive enough to believe them:

1. The Emergency Ordinance 15/2013 was adopted by the government in March 2013 (Kovesi was then in Brussels and was not responsible for DNA / provided anything related to the head of the DNA)

2. Sorina Matei very clearly explains that an amendment was passed in the Chamber of Deputies in July, probably used by the DNA

3. The service housing was then shared by RAPPS on the basis of the law – personally, even though I was entitled, I never benefited from that / I do not know if and where Kovesi was located because that we did not surrender without close relations.

Some people are so naive (or blinded by passion and resentment) that they are ready to become indifferent to something that they have never done

D & # 39; others (Dragnea's current advisers) forget that in 2013 the deputy prime minister of the government of Ponta whom they were pursuing was now … Liviu Dragnea! ", wrote Victor Ponta

Sorina Matei: Kovesi enjoyed a dwelling, even though he had a private apartment

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