Ponta: Viktor Orban should have stopped


Victor Ponta reacted on Facebook to the controversial statements of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accusing the weakness of the non-inspiring leaders of Romania

"For the Romanians, the Centenary of the Great Union is a moment of celebration proud year and joy), and Prime Minister Viktor Orban should have kept quiet (if he could not express himself with respect and politeness), but also a moment when we must see the big difference between political leaders Nationals that had the Romanian people in 1918 and a gang of illiterate thieves that drives us in 2018, "said the former Prime Minister on Facebook

adding that Orban would not allow us to" offend ourselves to the house ", but its" counterparts ". in Bucharest they see him today as a model and they are willing to sell for money and personal interest all that has been obtained in a hundred years. "

Viktor Orban told Băile Tuşnad on Saturday that" Romania entered the modern era a hundred years ago. We understand that, from their point of view, it is a moment of celebration, but please understand that from our point of view we have nothing to celebrate. "

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