Pope Francis listened to Australian Prime Minister's request and dismissed Archbishop Wilson – International


The Vatican is once again haunted by the ghost of mismanagement of cases of sexual abuse. Pope Francis intervened to request the resignation of Archbishop Archbishop of Adelaide (Australia) of Archbishop Philip Edward Wilson, prelate condemned by a civil court for covering the violence committed by a priest in his diocese, according to Messaggero, quoted by Rador

A story that reveals silence meant avoiding the outbreak of a scandal, given that in the past the church was more concerned with protecting the good reputation of its institutions as victims of abuse. Thus, a few days ago, the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull – seeing that the Vatican does not move at all in the Wilson affair – appealed to the Sovereign Pontiff for the abduction of Philip Wilson, 67 , who was in May found guilty for covering the abuses committed by a pedophile in the seventies. The convict was issued on July 3 and the prelate was arrested at his home

After the conviction – replenishment of the Vatican site – the archbishop resigned, but said that he had not no intention to leave the church, waiting to appeal his conviction (he has always been found innocent). "I have the right to exercise my legal rights," he said. "As this process is not over yet, I do not intend to resign for the moment, but if I do not win the call, I will immediately resign my resignation to the Saint." -Siege. "

The Australian Prime Minister announced that several political leaders have intervened to demand the resignation of the bishop. "The time has come for the supreme authority of the Church to act and send it away." The great scandal of pedophile priests in Australia was revealed in 2012, when Prime Minister Julia Gillard set up a government commission to examine institutional responses to child abuse The final report of the monitoring body, published in December 2017, details 42,000 requests for help and more than 2,500 cases of child abuse. alleged abuses, institutions like churches, schools and sports clubs have "seriously failed" to protect their children.

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