President Donald Trump meets Queen Elizabeth II


The 92-year-old British ruler met the American presidential couple in the castle courtyard in bright sunshine. The Queen, dressed in blue, listened to the President and his wife singing the American national anthem

Elizabeth II then invited Donald Trump to review the guard of honor, consisting of soldiers dressed in a uniform traditional red and wearing the famous fur hat of the bear

At the same time, tens of thousands of people protested in central London, dissatisfied with the visit of US President Donald Trump in the United Kingdom. The Londoners raised a giant orange balloon on which Donald Trump's face was printed. The leader of the White House arrived last night in the archipelago after attending the NATO summit

British activists commanded a giant balloon to represent Trump under the shape of an orange baby. , with small hands holding a mobile phone. Donald Trump has been accused of being a child in some cases.

The British are very unhappy with the US President's rhetoric and anti-immigration messages that the White House leader has sent in recent years. At the same time, British protesters believe that the queen is in a ridiculous situation while she meets the US president.

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