Prime Minister Dăncilă on the anthem: confused the historical moments of 1918 and 1848


Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă made confusion in the message, transmitted on Sunday, the Hymn's Day, speaking of "those who, on December 1, 1918, gathered in the plains of Liberty". 39, Alba Iulia ". The Plain of Liberty is in Blaj, not in Alba Iulia, and the National Assemblies took place there in 1848.

  The image of the GAFĂ article of Prime Minister Dancala on the l & # 39; hymn: It confused the historical moments of 1918 and 1848

Dance on the anthem: it confuses the historical moments of 1918 and 1848

"Today we celebrate the national day of the feast Romania, a special celebration of the centenary year of the Great Union, "Wake up, Romanian!" inspired them courageously in many moments of modern history. who, on December 1, 1918, gathered on the plain of Liberty of Alba-Iulia, his agreements expressing then the joy of the will of the unity of the Romanians accomplished. "Today," Wake-up you, Romanian! "is our national anthem and we are excited every time we hear it as a crowning t of success of our compatriots ", says the message of Viorica Dăncilă on the Day of the Horn.

December 1918 did not take place on the plain of freedom, but on the field of Horea At that time, Iuliu Hossu, the unified bishop of Gherla, delivered a speech in front of the gathered people on the Horea field

On the Blaj Freedom Plain, Alba County, two national assemblies were held in 1848. 40,000 Romanians from Transylvania shouted in unison "We want to unite with the earth! " Blaj was strengthened by the belief that "Transylvania is no longer Transylvania but Romania"

At the origin of the national anthem of Romania is the patriotic poem "A Resurrection" written by Andrei Mureşanu and published for the first time in issue 25 June 21, 1848 of the supplement "Leaf of mind, heart"

"Awaken Romanians!" was officially taught for the first time on July 29 1848, at an event held in the Public Garden in Râmnicu Vâlcea, today the Park Zăvoi

The national anthem of Romania was proclaimed by law no. 99/1998 and is celebrated every year on July 29th.

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