Prime Minister Dăncilă will meet President Iohannis – Political Party Wednesday at Cotroceni Palace


Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă will meet at the Cotroceni Palace with President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday at 10:30. The discussions between the two come in the context where information appeared in the public space that the executive would like to adopt a GEO for pardon and amnesty, according to Mediafax.

The government held a meeting on Tuesday, and then the spokesman for the executive, Nelu Barbu, said that there was no document at the cabinet meeting on the issue. amnesty or grace. He said another government meeting would be held on Thursday because, as the parliamentary party approaches, "there are normative acts that need to be passed and not delayed."

This week, information was released in the public area that the government would like an EGO for pardon and amnesty. This would be the last week that Cabinet Dăncilă could issue emergency orders, Thursday being the last day of the extraordinary session, and it is not necessary to convene Parliament for further adoption.

The leaders of the PSD-ALDE coalition according to which the executive would intend to adopt such an emergency order

PSD president Liviu Dragnea denied Monday that the executive intends to adopt Tuesday an emergency ordinance on amnesty and pardon, that during a discussion, Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă and the Justice Minister Tudorel Toader dismissed the rumors about it

"I asked the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice if there was an intention to adopt a GEO to forgive the government meeting tomorrow (Tuesday – no) Both denied these rumors "

ALDE President Calin Popescu Tariceanu said on Monday that he had not discussed with Liviu Dragnea at the Parliament meeting of the emergency ordinance on amnesty and pardon, that some say will be given to the leader of the PSD, but that "to Because of Dragnea "should not be left to suffer innocent people. The Senate Speaker added that such a measure should be considered whether it is timely or not.

"The subject has not been discussed (an emergency ordinance on amnesty and pardon) .It is the first time that it happens and then I see that a lot bite on the subject and the topic swells I was still asked but I did not make any public statements because I was dressed inappropriately It's a subject that fascinates a lot of people Do not believe I Do not want me to think that I'm afraid or that I do not mind discussing this topic.The first thing I want to say is that this idea of ​​amnesty and forgiveness would not be unthinkable. This was done in Romania, the last time many years ago, "said Calin Popescu Tariceanu to TVR

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