Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just received a gift from the Queen … a luxury manor •


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Meghan Markle's life as a princess has just begun and she is dotted with all sorts of interesting details and extravagant gifts. Queen Elizabeth's last surprise to Prince Harry and his wife was a new house or cottage, as the members of the Royal House would say.

In fact, the house is an impressive mini-mansion. , on which The Daily Mail wrote that it is Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, the former residence of the lover of Princess Margaret, Peter Townsend. And it's a house with an intense air: the house has golden dolphins or royal elements of the 19th century.In addition, both lovers can spend quality time next to one another. Greek-Egyptian marble fireplace and can reach without much "noise" at Windsor Castle through several entrances and secret exits.

Harry and Meghan prepare to leave as soon as possible and leave the small house of Prince Harry's Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace.

See also: Wedding rings of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle



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