Prince Harry requests the marriage of his sister-in-law Kate Middleton with Meghan Markle


When Prince Harry's relationship with American actress Meghan Markle began to become serious, the heiress of the British royal family took care to introduce his beloved Duchess of Cambridge, writes Katie Nicholl, an expert Royal in Grazia, United Kingdom.

"Harry and Kate are very close, she has always been a mentor to him, and the prince wanted her approval.Kate is different from Meghan in many ways, but he has been forced to help Meghan to s & d. Adapt to his new life, "revealed an expert source.

Apparently, their first meeting went well.He introduced Meghan to the Duchess of Cambridge in November 2016, about four months after they began meeting, according to Nicholl.When Meghan went to visit Harry once in January, she offered Kate a diary before the Duchess's 35th birthday, she added. [19659002]

Harry and Kate are known to have a close relationship The Duchess of Cambridge had a relationship with her brother, Prince William, for several years before getting married in 2011, which gave them enough time to get closer.

The Duchess "helped fill" the gap in Harry's life, left behind by the death of his mother, Princess Diana, according to an article devoted to the prince, published in 2017 by Newsweek. When she and William got engaged, Harry called her "big sister that she never had." Harry often appears in their apartment at Kensington Palace, where he prepares a snack – the Chicken steak is especially his favorite. "

When Harry and Meghan finally announced his commitment in November 2017, Kate expressed his enthusiasm for this news. "William and I are absolutely excited – it's such exciting news." It's a moment of true happiness for any couple, we want all the best and hope that they will appreciate this moment, "she said, according to People.

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