PROGNOZA METEO for two weeks: the month of August arrives …



In the first week of the forecast, the weather will be warm in much of the region, so that maximum temperatures will exceed 30 degrees. At the same time, the minimum temperatures will average above those characteristic of this period, with values ​​of 17 … 20 degrees. The second part of the range will continue with high thermal values, averaging around 32 degrees, but will decrease to the end at 30 degrees, and the mines will be mostly lower than those in the first part, around 16 degrees. … 18 degrees

The local and temporary weather will rain every day of the forecast range, but more intense and more frequent in the period from July 31 to August 4.


The thermal regime will characterize warm weather in most of the range, so that the regional maximum temperatures will reach 30 … 32 degrees. In the intervals from August 2 to August 4 and again from August 9 to August 12, they will record a maximum of 28 … 30 degrees. The nights will be warmer than this period in general until August 3, when the minima will generally be 18 … 20 degrees, then they will mark a gradual decrease and in the second week they will remain on average at 16 .. 17 degrees

The probability of rainfall will be increased throughout the two weeks, but clouds will be more significant quantitatively and will be reported over larger areas around 1, 2, 3 August, and again on August 10th and 11th.


The weather will be slightly warmer than usual during this period in most of the region except in depressions where the thermal values ​​will be around normal. Under these conditions, the regional average maximum temperatures will be 29 … 30 degrees, with a downward trend in the last days of forecast, at 27 … 28 degrees. The minimums will be around 16 degrees between July 30th and August 2nd, then will drop to 14 … 15 degrees.

During the two weeks of the forecast period, there will be times when there will be rain, especially clouds, but probably higher between July 30th and August 3rd.


The daytime thermal regime will be characterized on average by maximum values ​​around 30 degrees which will determine the restricted areas, for the most part, hot weather. A little cooler will be August 3rd and 4th, and again after August 9th when it will average 28 degrees. The minimums will be raised in the first four days, will be between 16 and 18 degrees, then mark a fall by August 5th and will remain at 15 degrees.

The probability of rain will be increased daily, but they will mostly be in the form of obverse and will be marked mostly during noon hours. most of the region. The average maximum temperatures will reach 27 … 29 degrees, slightly higher on July 31 and August 6-8. The minimum temperatures will be about 18 degrees between July 30 and August 2, and then decrease to 17 degrees

Atmospheric instability will occur throughout the forecast period, but More precipitation in the area PROGNOZA METEO DOBROGEA

The weather will be warm for most of the forecast period. The light must be recorded at more than 30 degrees in most parts of the continental zone, but these values ​​must also be reached at the seaside. A slight cooling will occur from August 8, when the daily maximum daily temperatures will be about 29 degrees. Nighttime minima will be increased in the first four days, followed by 20 to 24 degrees, then down slightly to 20 degrees.

The degree of atmospheric instability will be increased on August 2, so that, especially after noon, there will be signs, but then it will diminish.


The diurnal thermal regime will be within the characteristic limits of this period for the most part. from the range with average values ​​of 29 … 31 degrees. The thermal minimums will be increased in the first days, with averages of 18 … 20 degrees, and August 3rd will mark a decrease, so the regional average will be 17 … 18 degrees

Until the 4th August, it will temporarily rain and accumulate more water.


Between July 30 and August 4, daily maximum daytime thermal values ​​will be slightly lower than the norms of the period, and average precipitation will remain at the lower end of the fork. Regional region will be 28 … 29 degrees. Thereafter, until August 7, the weather will warm up and average values ​​of 30-32 degrees will be recorded, after which they will come down again. The thermal minimums will average 18 … 20 degrees until August 3rd, then they will fall to 16 … 18 degrees.

In the first week it will rain and the cumulative amounts of water will be more significant.


The daytime thermal regime will not have any significant variations in the interval, so that the maximum temperature averages will be 18. 20 degrees. The minimum temperatures will tend to drop from 12 to 13 degrees in the early days to 10 … 11 degrees

Rain temporarily almost all the time and will accumulate more water

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