PROGNOZA METEO. How will the weather be at the beginning …



The weather will generally be unstable and the thermal regime will be characterized by values ​​around the normal at that time. The sky will be variable, with sharply temporary clouds, showers, electric shocks and short wind intensities in the northwestern, northern, central and northeastern regions, especially during the day. . In the evening and at night, such phenomena will be reported locally in the south-east and totally isolated in the rest of the territory. The rains will also have a torrential character and will be hail conditions. In the restricted areas of Transylvania, northern Moldova and Maramures, the quantities of water will exceed 15 … 20 l / m² and occasionally, especially in the northern Carpathians, 30 … 35 l / m². Maximum temperatures will be between 21 and 31 degrees, and the minimum between 12 and 21 degrees.

The sky will be variable, with clouds in the evening and in the early hours of the night, when there will be conditions showers, electric shocks and short-term wind intensifications. The maximum temperature will be 30 … 31 degrees, and the minimum temperature is 16 … 17 degrees, slightly lower in the periphery.


The weather will generally be unstable in most parts of the country. In northwestern, northern, central and northeastern regions, as well as in mountainous areas, especially in the daytime, and evening and night, isolated in the southeast and west-west southwest of the country, which may also have a torrential nature, an electric shock, short wind intensifications and hail conditions. In the north and the center, but also in the Eastern and Southern Carpathians, the quantities of water will be more important – in the restricted areas, they will exceed 20 l / m2 and 30-35 l / m2 The maximum temperatures will be included between 22 and 32 degrees, and the minimum, usually between 11 and 20 degrees.

The sky will be variable, with clouds in the evening and early in the night, but the rain conditions will be reduced. The wind will blow badly and moderately. The maximum temperature will be about 31 degrees, and the minimum temperature will be 16 … 17 degrees, slightly lower in the prehistoric zone


The weather will continue to Be generally unstable. In particular, after noon and evening, there will be clouds and showers, accompanied by local electric discharges in the hills and mountains, in Banat and isolated in the rest, while at night will be reported especially in the regions of center. northern part of the country. The rains will also have a torrential character, so that large quantities of water can be punctual. The wind will generally be moderately strong, with intensities in the high mountains, but of short duration and during the rains. Maximum temperatures will be between 23 and 32 degrees, and minimum temperatures between 12 and 22 degrees.

The sky will vary and the wind will blow moderately. The maximum temperature will be about 30 degrees, and the minimum temperature will be 16 to 18 degrees


The weather will remain unstable. The sky will be temporarily cloudy and will be sunny, passing through electric shocks in most areas, but especially in the mountains, in the center and in the east. The rains will also have a torrential character and could be more important. The wind will blow moderately, with temporary intensification, especially in the mountains. Maximum temperatures will be between 21 and 32 degrees, and minimum temperatures between 12 and 21 degrees.

The sky will be variable, with high clouds at night and at night where it will be possible to show and electric discharge. The wind will blow moderately, with temporary intensities. The maximum temperature will be about 31 degrees, and the minimum of 16 to 18 degrees

THE TIME OF EVOLUTION THE TIME OF THE INTERVAL 19.07.2018 ORA 09.00 – 22.07.2018 ORA 09.00

Local and temporarily, there will be manifestations of atmospheric instability, and the air temperature will be close to normal.

The air temperature will have values ​​around the normal during this time. Especially in the afternoon, it will be possible to take turns and dumps.

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