Protest of parents on the pedestrian crossing, in front of the Parliament Palace, against changes in penal codes – Essential


Dozens of people – mothers with children in a carriage and their wives – demonstrate Wednesday in front of the Palace of Parliament on the pedestrian crossing at the entrance to Izvor Park, against changing the criminal codes and " sentences in public functions, "reports Agerpres

Protesters cross the pedestrian crossing in the region several times.

"I came with the kid to attract the attention of others, many say we block drivers, but it's not about blocking drivers, just to point out that we're not not agree with what is happening and we can not be subject to penalties, we do not want penalties in public office and we want to inspire certain values ​​to our children, be competent, professional, experienced in what they do, do not put, said, for AGERPRES, one of the initiators, Andreea Dumitrescu, who said that the protest would take about an hour

Among the protesters was a father with his baby. "I came with the child." The woman could not come, she was on the exam and I said that I wanted to express my disagreement with all that is happening in Parliament, especially with respect to the laws of justic e) I think it's harmful for a democracy, harming the normal development of our country, especially harmful for our children, "Cristian said.

The protest provoked nervousness among drivers forced to wait for the signal from the traffic police.

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