PSD proposes a controversial project: which city will be the "historical capital" of Romania?


Several PSD parliamentarians submitted to the Senate a bill stipulating the declaration of the Iasi Ministry as the "historical capital" of Romania, stating that the city deserved this recognition during the centenary. The project will engender conflict because many claim that Alba Iulia should be "the historic capital".

"In the year of the centenary, to reconsider the role of national history and culture, Iaşi is declared" historical capital of Romania ", according to the legislative initiative of the PSD elected July 4 in the Senate, 19659004] Starting from the promise made by Carol I: "I am obliged, after a long wait, to give a reward to the cowards for the big ones."

The initiators affirm furthermore that the moral recognition of Iasi, sacrifices, what this noble city did for the cause of the Union ", the initiators of this legislative project consider that, in the centenary, we must establish a moral recognition of the city which, by its elites , accepts the founding sacrifice for carrying out the project the most important country of Romanians ", according to the statement of reasons

" Iasi is one of the oldest and most important institutions of the country in the car he always shot a ro umaine powerful and authentic. An indisputable capital of Moldova, the city has given an invaluable material and spiritual value to the national heritage, has written in the history of the country glorious pages, remaining durable in the consciousness. It is the most historic city of the country, with a special heritage, as can not be found in any other Romanian city. Iasi is the second largest city in Romania. In addition to the important administrative role, Iasi also acquired a famous cultural role, but also an important religious core, "completes the initiators of the project

The legislative initiative was submitted to the Senate, the first chamber being the Chamber of Deputies.] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return ;! n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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