Putin: Russia is ready to extend its agreement on the limitation of the offensive strategic arsenal, which would expire soon


Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting in Helsinki with his US counterpart Donald Trump, that he was ready to extend the new START treaty, an agreement to limit the arsenal strategic offensive that will expire in 2021.

  Image of Putin: Russia is ready to extend its agreement on the limitation of the offensive strategic arsenal that will expire soon

Putin: Russia is ready to extend the agreement on the limitation of the strategic offensive arsenal about to expire in 2021

The Russian leader also said in an interview with Fox News, quoted by the Tass agency, that Moscow had doubts about how the United States respects the terms of the agreement.

expires in 2021, "said Putin, continuing:" I assured President Trump that Russia is ready to Extend the treaty, extend it, but first we must agree on the details. "

" We have questions to ask our American partners (…) We believe that it is not fully in accordance with the treaty, but it is the task of the experts [19659005] The treaty between the United States and Russia on measures to reduce and supplement other strategic countervailing weapons (the new START treaty) entered into force on February 5, 2011. The agreement limits the the number of nuclear warheads available to each signatory country does not exceed 1,550.

According to official data, on 5 February this year, the United States had 1,350 nuclear warheads, while Russia had 1 444 [19659009] If you liked the article, follow MEDIAFAX.RO on FACEBOOK »

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