Rapid will have a new boss! Giant budget for the League 3 • Fanatik.ro


The team Rapid Academy promoted this summer in Ligue 3 and will have a new boss. The announcement was made by Area 1 Mayor Dan Tudorache, who said the gulliters would have a record budget of one million euros.

" We have very advanced discussions with Victor Angelescu who will take 50% of the club shares Even Daniel Niculae brought it in. He is a very young boy who had a connection with the football world " said Dan Tudorache, according to gsp.ro.

  District 1 Mayor Dan Tudorache announced that the Rapid Academy will have a new employer, in talks with Victor Angelescu
District 1 Mayor Dan Tudorache announced that the Rapid Academy will have a new employer, in talks with Victor Angelescu

Rapid will have a new boss: "I have promised to support this team"

"The remaining 50% will be covered by other investors, which I will bring to the club. I have promised to support this team.The mayor can not get involved financially, the law does not allow us.However, the Rapid for the League 3 and the promotion goal will be d & # 39; 39; a million euros! " the mayor of Sector 1.

However, at the Fast Academy is not at all calm after the president and the player Daniel Niculae left from the team as announced FANATIK.RO as early as July 8th.

Victor Angelescu is 34 years old, Czech Companies. He also had the intention of investing in FC Snagov League 2 early in the year but with the departure of coach Vivi Rachita [19659020] the news of MOMENT

Rapid will have a new boss! Giant Budget for Ligue 3

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