poll: Ludovic Orban is "the most slave president of the PNL"


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Ludovic Orban

A consultation conducted by for two days shows the opinion of readers at the summit of the weakest presidents of the PNL. The consultation took into account all the presidents of PNL since 1990.

According to the votes of thousands of readers of the site, "the weakest president of the PNL" is Ludovic Orban l & The current leader of the National Liberal Party, as of June 17, 2017

Calin Popescu Tariceanu, former President of PNL from October 2, 2004 to March 20, 2009, currently leader of ALDE

. Here is how readers of voted on the question: Who was the weakest president of PNL? "We mention that these are partial results, the vote continues on

Ludovic Orban – 10 819 votes

Calin Popescu Tariceanu – 7,335 votes

Raluca Turcan – 4,488 votes votes

The presidents of sitting Vasile Blaga and Alina Gorghiu – 4,416 votes

Valeriu Stoica – 1,662 votes

Theodor Stolojan – 1,376 votes

Radu Câmpeanu – 1,348 votes

Mircea Ionescu Quintus – 1,019 votes

The first results of the poll were presented and analyzed on Realitatea TV on Realitatea TV in 1969.

The NLP has been harshly criticized lately because it does not have the same effect. was not able to effectively play the role of the main opposition party and because it does not offer President Klaus Iohannis support

Klaus Iohannis has nothing to count, has no more party to support him, but he's "cheated" that he's fine in the s polls, attracted attention, political adviser Cozmin Guşa

"Alina Gorghiu and Raluca Turcan, two ladies who did nothing for the party. Klaus Iohannis pulls the ponies that he has no more festive to support him. USR said that they prefer Kovesi. The stakes behind the things we laugh about when we talk about NLP also leaves Iohannis offside, as some around him cheat to detach from the new bid and have a high score in the polls. Iohannis, if he is suspended by the PSD, must confirm his score through achievements. The Romanians who voted will say, "Let's see … How much of what he promised in the campaign did?" The legacy of the NLP depression must be interpreted in this key political game, "said Guşa.

The political advisor explained what is happening right now in the party." Go to the party of Vasile Blaga and suggests to everyone that he left and occupied the headquarters. "Orban tells us that it was a normal thing, that Blaga did not occupy the neighborhood General. "You can not act like a rented parrot and you just said that it's nothing happened," says Cozmin Guşa.

By this gesture, Vasile Blaga conditioned Ludovic Orban to to place liberals "

" We support you in the presidency if you are good: To be good, you have to put on the lists in the European Parliament the people we give you, with me – Blaga – on the list of candidates for European Parliament elections, In addition to his wife, who wants to be a European MEP, he will go to ussi in Brussels with a lot of money. "Orban is addicted to us," he said. 19659018] It is not the liberals may not have merged the PNL and the PDL after four or five years, says Cozmin Guşa. "Is it possible for Baga to meet only the former members of the NLP to blackmail the current NLP president who is bitter and bitter about his head?" The same Orban who said that he was there. There is no need to unite the anti-PSDragnea parties … He does not realize that he has lost several floors with the elevator, "concluded Guşa

________ conducts a number of consultations on the site to find out what readers think of the poorest leaders of major parties. According to PNL, UDMR and PSD will follow.

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