Report concerned: The number of extremists, growing rapidly in Germany


The number of crimes committed by extremists has decreased, but the number of fanatics of all kinds, especially extremists, has become a concern in Germany, according to a report by the German intelligence service BfV (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz – Federal Office (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz – Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) shows that the number of right-wing extremists has increased significantly in 2017 compared to 2016 (Deutsche Welle).

The spectacular rise of the Reichsbürger , "Citizens of the Reich", from 10,600 to 16,500 people, of which 900 are identified as right-wing extremists

"Citizens of the Reich" is a cause for concern, especially the authorities because of their affinity for weapons on fire, but also because of the fact that the network is not well structured, so it is difficult to identify.

The "citizens of the Reich" do not accept not the German laws and borders of the post-war period. Many identify with Germany from 1871-1918 or want a form of self-determination.

Most of the adherents are men, over 40 years old. Authorities have noted antisemitic tendencies of the network

The report also noted the increase in the number of Islamists, especially Salafists. The number of Salafists increased from 9,700 in 2016 to 10,800 in 2017. BfV leader Hans-Georg Maassen considers Salafists as "a permanent threat of high level".

The good news of the report is that the number of political crimes decreased by 4.9%. The number of crimes committed by right-wing extremists has also decreased by 35%

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