RESULTS BAC 2018. At what time are the final grades announced at Bacalaureat 2018




DISPUTE OF DISPUTES BAC 2018 The results of LAC 2018 calls will be posted on Monday, July 9, 2018, according to

ACCOUNTS OF RESULTS BAC 2018 The Ministry of National Education centralized the results before the competitions of the first session of the Baccalaureate Exam 2018. The rate of promotion (before calls) recorded by the graduates who completed high school in 2017 -2018 and supported the examination of the Baccalaureate exam in the first session is 72.7%. Thus, the promotion rate, including students from previous promotions, is 67.7%

The final promotion rates of previous years were 71.4% in 2017, 66.7% in 2016, 66 , 4% in 2015 and 59.3% in 2014.

RESULTS OF ACCOUNTS BAC 2018 There were 104 podiums of 10.

Out of a total of 136,866 registered candidates, there were 123,615 candidates. A total of 117 candidates have been withdrawn for fraud or attempted fraud. They will not be able to register for the next two baccalaureate sessions.

A high percentage of promotion was recorded in the counties of Cluj (81.14%), Iasi (80.27%) and Braila (77.13%). The promotion rate in the capital is 72.86%

RESULTS COMPETITION BAC 2018 The minimum promotion grade for each discipline is 5 and the final average for passing the exam is 6 at minimum. The percentage of promotion was calculated from the total number of present candidates, including the eliminated candidates in this category

were posted on July 4, at 10:30, at the examination centers and at the dedicated website,

RESULTS BAC 2018 [19659003] More than 44,000 works were challenged at this year's baccalaureate exam session, with most of the contests to Romanian language and literature. Compared to 2017, this year there were about 2,000 disputed works

According to the Ministry of Education, there were 44,401 disputed works, out of a total of 361,919.

In Romanian, most complaints – 18,705 out of a total of 118,113, while 496 out of 5,970 applicants filed a complaint in their mother tongue.

With respect to the mandatory proof of the profile, respectively mathematical or historical, 13,542 objections were filed on 118,269 articles and, at choice, 11,658 were contested from 119,567

RESULTS BAC 2018 Compared to last year, this year there were several complaints, about 2000 more. Thus, 42,232 works were challenged last year, while in 2016, they were challenged 44,398.

RESULTS CONTENTS BAC 2018 Schools without promotion in Gorj. One of the schools is in a municipality where the mayor has failed to take the Bac

For the second consecutive year, the technological high school of Turburea, in the county of Gorj, is on the list of schools without students promoted to the baccalaureate exam. In the same situation, there is the technological high school Stoina, according to the

The director of the village of Turburea in the county of Gorj and the director of the Technological High School of Turburea are disappointed with the result of the examination . The highlight is that even Mayor Ion Bîrcă does not have a bachelor's degree, but has always advised the students of the commune to learn. At the Technological High School in Turburea, out of the 15 students who passed the exam, none of them managed to get an average mark. "We had a class that was taking exam.Approximately four hundred to the general average did not succeed to a student.I have three or four children who have not lost anything, but they did not get their average.We talked with the mayor to pass only the professional courses, because the students who study the book in the city go, "said Gheorghe Benegui, director of Turburea High School [19659007] In the case of Stoina Technological High School, all 17 candidates were rejected. No student in Gorj has managed to get the 10th to the exam this summer, with a maximum score of 9.98. Before the calls, the percentage of promotion to Gorj is 60,61%

RESULTS CONCOURS BAC 2018 Teleorman County! 47,30% promotion

RESULTS COMPETITION BAC 2018 Only one average of 10 in Olt County

In Olt County, 64.9% of all students who participated in the baccalaureate exam were able to obtain a average promotion. At the county level, there was only an average of ten, the next in the ranking being two students with an average of 9.98.

The average of 10 was obtained by Roxana Andreea Capriţă, Primary School of the National College "Al I. Cuza" Corabia. For the June session of the baccalaureate exam, 2,911 were registered in Olt County, of which 293 did not show up. No less than 1,699 students from Olten passed the exam, 320 with averages between 6 and 6.99, 429 with averages between 7 and 7.99, between 8 and 8.99 got 429 students , and between 9 and 9.99 took 457 students, write

All these notes are prior to contact. On Wednesday, those who are not satisfied with the scores can make calls between 12:00 and 16:00. Between July 5th and 8th, the appeals will be resolved, the final results being scheduled for July 9th.

RESULTS BAC 2018 Five Bistrita-Nasaud graduates get 10th place in BAC

Five Grade 12 graduates from Bistrita-Nasaud County are getting 10th place in this year's baccalaureate. Two of them finished high school in the rural areas and the other three came from Bistrita and Beclean high schools

In Bistrita-Nasaud county, according to the results published this morning by the Ministry of Education. Education, five graduates The twelfth year has a median of 10.

Two of them are graduates of a rural high school, namely the high school "Radu Petrescu" of Prundu Bargaului. It is Albu Maria and Bugnariu Ana Maria, colleagues of the Department of Natural Sciences

Media 10 was also obtained by Coman Corina Mirela of the National College "Andrei Muresanu" – Bistrita (Section of Social Sciences ), Mureşan Eliza Adela of Beclean's "Petru Rareş" National College (Mathematics-Computing Section) and Scurtu Andrada of the "Liviu Rebreanu" National College of Bistrita (Department of Philology).

The National College "George Coşbuc" Nasaud, the average was 9.96, but also the high school "Solomon Haliţă" Sîngeorz-Băi, where the highest average was 9.86

During this session, in the examination centers of Bistriţa-Năsăud, Baccalaureate 2,166 candidates, including 242 of previous promotions

Today, appeals will be filed between 12:00 and 16:00. The final results will be announced on July 9th.

RESULTS COMPETITION BAC 2018 MEHEDINŢI: Promovability 60.48 percent, two average of 10

In Mehedinţi, the first results of the examination of the Baccalaureate showed. Compared to last year, there is a slight increase in the percentage of graduation. If in 2017 the percentage was 59.22 this year, it reached 60.48.

Only two averages of 10 were obtained in Mehedinti County! As in previous years, the National College "Gheorghe Ţiţeica" has the best results. Two students from this school received the 10th grade at the baccalaureate exam. These are Badi A Mihai Adrian and Mănescu E Emilian Claudiu. Both students are graduates in Mathematics-Computer Science.

RESULTS BAC 2018 Catastrophe at the Bac in Giurgiu. Only 47% of candidates passed the exam

The results of the IBC were posted. In Giurgiu County, out of a total of 1207 participants in the exam, only 47.44% took averages greater than 6. The lowest percentage of promotion was in Prundu High School – 5.88% and the higher at the National College Ion Maiorescu – 89.42%, writes

At Theoretical High School Tudor Vianu, the diploma was 62.62% and at The Nicolae Cartojan Theoretical High School – 37.04%. Three students were removed from the exam. The results obtained by giurgiuveni can be seen on

According to the Giurgiu County School Inspection, the rate of promotion of the last year was 51.96%.

] According to the centralization provided by the Ministry of Education, the promotion rate at the Bacalaureat 2018 (first session) is 67.7%, lower than the previous year's 3.7 %

Also today, between noon and 4 pm According to the methodological provisions applied since 2017, following the evaluation of the disputed works, "the initial note may be modified, if necessary, by increasing or decreasing, by the notification of the appeals ". In other words, the opinion of the appeal board is final, as the rule of 0.5 point difference between the rating of the initial assessment and that of the remedies n & # 39; 39 is more applicable. The final results will be published on July 9th. On July 10th, registration begins for the fall semester and lasts until July 13th. On July 27, successful candidates were registered.

RESULTS CONCOURS BAC 2018 Results for the baccalaureate: in Galaţi, only an average of 10.00!

Results for the baccalaureate, slightly earlier than expected. In Galaţi, before the calls, a student from CNVA got an average of 10.00. Of the 3,487 Galati graduates who participated in the exam, 2,354 obtained at least 6.00. The percentage of promotion in the county is therefore 67.5%, according to the reality of

RESULTS BAC 2018 County Sibiu, more than 75% promotion

A few minutes ago, the first results of the baccalaureate this year. 1665 students graduated from this year's baccalaureate, out of a total of 2,187 students. This means a promotion of 75.67% for Sibiu before the calls. Of these, 252 (15.23%) had averages between 6 and 6.99, 457 (27.61) between 7 and 7.99, 570 (34.44%) between 8 and 8.99, 374 , 26) between 9 and 9.99 and two students with an average of 10, writes

On the other hand, 532 students were rejected, of which 446 were less than 5 86 students had averages ranging from from 5 to 5.99

At the national level, the graduation rate is 67.7%. Last year, Sibiu was ranked first in the country with an advance of 83.73%

Two-tenths average: In Sibiu County there are two mediums of 10 One of them belongs to Mary Denisa Fratena, graduate of the National College "Octavian Goga", Sibiu, and the other belongs to Teodorei Popa, graduated from the Mediase "Axente Sever" Theoretical High School of Mediaş .

Maria graduated in Philology and 10 online in Romanian, English, History and Logic, Argumentation and Communication. Teodora has completed her studies in Natural Sciences and has followed 10 online in Romania, English, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Anatomy and Human Physiology, Genetics and Human Ecology. The next two averages are 9.91 and are obtained by two other girls. Raluca Corjescu from Gheorghe Lazar National College in Sibiu and Denisa Ioana Gaboreanu from Gheorghe Lazar National College. Raluca scored 9.75 in mathematics, and Ioana 9.75 in Romanian.

The situation of these results may change, however, after 12:00, students may file a complaint. The final results will be posted on Monday, July 9th.

RESULTS COMPETITION BAC 2018 Argeş: Promotion percentage 67,12%

The results at the 2018 Baccalaureate in Arges have been posted! The promotion percentage in Argeş is 67.12%. Of the 4786 enrolled students, 2915 students were able to get the average, according to

According to the County School Inspectorate of Argeş, the results at Bacalauret 23018 in Argeş are as follows:

  • Enrolled -4786 students
  • Dismissed-1424
  • Dismissed -144
  • Not Dismissed – 443
  • Dismissed-4
  • 19659069] Satisfying TOTAL-2915 (with an overall average greater than 6.00) [19659070] Satisfying environments ranging from 6.00-6.99 – 612 students
  • Satisfying environments ranging from 7-7.99 – 861 students [19659069] Satisfying environments ranging from 8-8.99 to 869 students [19659070] Satisfy environments ranging from 9-9.99 to 567 students
  • Satisfy environments between 10 and 6 students

Contests can be submitted until today at 4:00 pm

Results from Bacalaureat 2018 final, after the calls will be displayed p is the date of July 9th.

RESULTS CONTESTATIES BAC 2018 Covasna: 59,51% of promissability. No average of 10!

Wednesday morning were the results of the first session of the baccalaureate this year, writes Results BAC 2018 Covasna. The promotion rate (before calls) recorded by graduates who have completed high school in the 2017-2018 class and supported the baccalaureate exams in the first semester is 72.7%. Thus, the promotion rate, including students from previous promotions, is 67.7%

A high percentage of promotion was recorded in the counties of Cluj (81.14%), Iasi (80.27%). %) and Braila (77.13%). The promotional rate in the capital is 72.86%

There were 104 on average, none in Covasna County

In Covasna County, the promotion rate is 59.51%. Of the 1,172 students enrolled, 1,067 were admitted to the examination, of which 635 had averages greater than 6.

The highest average in Covasna County is 9.73 and the highest average is in New York City. student Ioan Stroia at the "Mircea Eliade" High School of the Intorsura Buzaului

Of the total number of 136 866 candidates registered at the national level, 123 615 candidates were presented. A total of 117 candidates have been withdrawn for fraud or attempted fraud. They will not be eligible for the next two baccalaureate sessions

The final promotion rates of previous years were 71.4% in 2017, 66.7% in 2016, 66.4% in 2015 and 59 , 3%% in 2014.

The minimum promotion score for each discipline is 5 and the final average for passing the exam is 6. The promotion percentage was calculated from the total number of candidates present, including the eliminated candidates

. be submitted all wednesday, between 12:00 and 16:00. The final results will be made public on Monday 9 July.

Results after LAC 2018 VASLUI – disastrous percentage at the BAC: 67.47% promotion

At county level, only 67.47%
The percentage is 8 points lower than the l 39; last year, when 75.6% took the bac, writes

Of the 2869 students enrolled, only 2555 got a baccalaureate exam. were present, 312 were absent, and 2 were removed from the examination.

Of these, 1,724 students obtained at least 6.

In Vaslui there was only an average of 10, belonging to Elena Andreea Georgiana Popa at the "Mihail Kogălniceanu" (LMK) High School, Vaslui.

She was followed by Iuliana Gheorghiu of the National College "Cuza Voda" Huşi and Bianca Ştefania Haba of LMK Vaslui, with an average of 9.95.

The first county to the number of high school students who passed the grades is Cluj, who claims more than 81 percent. Second place is Iaşi, with more than 80%, followed by Bacau with 77%.

In Bucharest, the graduation rate was 73% and 17 candidates obtained the highest mark for all written tests. Interestingly, Bacau County not only had a high rate of advancement, but it also ranked second, after Bucharest, to the number of students who scored 10 points in all three tests . Iasi and Vrancea are ranked third with 8 students each and the fourth on the list is Argeş County, with 6 students. Among the county counties in which no student has obtained the 10th at the baccalaureate, there are Teleorman, Giurgiu, Braşov, Tulcea, Ilfov, Covasna or Harghita.


Cluj – 81,14%

Iaşi – 80,27%

Bacău – 77,26

Brăila – 77.13%

Sibiu – 75.67%




Results of calls BAC 2018, ELEVI CREATED MEDIA 10


Iaşi – 8 students

Vrancea – 8 students [19659036] Argeş – 6 students










Gorj [19659036] RESULTS ACCOUNTS BAC 2018 SURSA:

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