RESULTS OF ADMITATION LICEU 2018. Computerized distribution, announced on and school inspections




RESULTS ADMISSION LICEU 2018. The Department of Education publishes Monday the results of computerized mission of admission to high school in 2018. The results will be published on Monday, July 9th. The submission of the registration dossiers to the secondary schools in which the candidates have been allocated will take place from 10 to 13 July. In real time, the distribution will be online and the

RESULTS OF ADMISSION LICEU 2018. The results of computer distribution in high school will be published on, for those who enrolled in admission to the Secondary school. Counties hierarchy of national assessment results and admissions to secondary schools. More on

RESULTS ADMITURE LICEU 2018. Computerized admission guide. How to fill out the admission card

Are you the parent of a child who is preparing to go to high school or a high school student? Do you want to "take" a place in a good high school, but the instructions to fill out the admission card give you headaches

If you meet the above conditions, read the lines below. Fill out the options on the admission card is done in the order of the preferences of the candidates.

2. Fill in the first places the options you want the most, even if you're not sure that the media allows you to access these options. You will not be disadvantaged. Continue with the options you want, then options that you would not mind.

Ends with the least searched options, but you must list them as a security measure. It is best to go to a high school that you do not like but to get in!

Do not complete an undesirable option before a desired option! The first option is the first option for each student.

3. Consider the admission environments of previous years to calculate your chances of accessing each option.

4. Filling a lot of options on your admission card does not hurt you anyway – anyway, you come to your first option for some places.

Instead, a small number of options can seriously decrease your chances of being admitted! There is a risk of not having a good enough average for any of the options expressed.

There is no "magic number" of options to complete the registration: it is important that this number be large enough to allow for distribution and order – from most desirable to least desirable .

5. Statistically, admissions are from one year to the next, an additional reason to fill as many options as possible on the map! It is possible that this year the average contribution to one of the options is much higher than in previous years, just as it may be lower. The averages of past years are indicative.

6. Validation of files is a simple operation, but mandatory for all applicants – any error in the transcription of school catalogs to the option sheet, the name of the candidate or the inaccurate writing of the Secondary codes can cause inconvenience. The computer "does not know" that a student has completed code 115 but is actually interested in specialization number 151, or that the graduation average is not 5.75 or 7.55!

To avoid the inconvenience caused by false data transcription On the spreadsheet, the procedure requires you to print the sheets as they were entered into the database. The printed sheet, called "blank", is sent to the school of origin. In the few remaining days between the insertion of the card in the computer and the time limit, the supervisors are the ones who summon all the students accompanied by parents who check the option with the correspondence of the blank with the original sheet, signing for compliance. the completed form and the blank document must be reported
immediately to the school management, who returns to the data collection center for correction.

7. Between the validation of the card and the computerized distribution, the cards are centralized in the county databases and thus in the national database of the Ministry of National Education

8. Multiple checks and correction of reported errors result in a computer assignment

9. The allocation algorithm directs students to go down the admission average by allocating them one by one, starting with the student with the best average.
For each student, the first option of the list is searched where there are still vacancies and the student is assigned to this option.

If at any time there is a student whose options in the file do not allow in any high school (because the places have already been occupied by those with a higher average than him), the 39, student is left unpaid. The distribution is made ordering to the candidates in the respective county decreasing by surroundings, trying to place each candidate, beginning with the one with the highest average to that with the lowest average, to one of the options expressed.

The ranking of candidates is decreasing according to several criteria: the average admission, the national average, the overall average for graduation grades V-VIII, the grade obtained in Romanian and the literature in the national assessment, the score obtained in the sample of mathematics of the national assessment and the mark obtained in the test of the mother tongue in the national assessment, respectively the note of the proof of the examination of the mother tongue, supported in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, in the case of candidates teaching in the language of national minorities

For the candidates of the valuable series in 2010, the National evaluation is replaced by single-number dissertations supported in grade 8 for the 2008 and 2009 series of pupils, respectively the national tests for the 2004-2007 series of pupils.

  • The national evaluation average is replaced by the media on the theses with a single subject supported in the 8th year (series 2008 and 2009), respectively with the average obtained in the national tests (series 2004-2007) [19659026] the score obtained at the Romanian sample of language and literature within the national assessment replaces by the average notes in the Romanian language and the sample of the literature of the theses with a subject single supported in the 8th grade (series 2008 and 2009), respectively with the test of language and Romanian literature in the national tests (2004-2007 series)

    the score obtained in the mathematics test of the national assessment is replaced by the average of the grades of the mathematics exam in the theses having a single subject In 8th grade (series 2008 and 2009), respectively with the test of mathematics in the national tests (2004-2007 series)

    the note obt the national language test in the national assessment is replaced by the grade average scores for the 8th grade (2008 and 2009 series) and the mother tongue test (2004-2007 series [19659029]) The average admission is equal to:

    EN = average obtained in grade 8 national grade (for graduates up to 2003 including the average of the exams capacity for graduates from the 2004-2007 period national media tests for graduates 2008 and 2009 average for theses with the single subject born in the 8th year)
    ABS = the average grade 8 marks
    MA = average admission.
    2. When a candidate arrives, his choice of options searches for the first valid free option .

    The order of the options on the form is therefore significant, the first option expressed is taken into account before the other options

    Example: verification of the first option of the current candidate; if the option is valid and there are seats to this option, it is considered that it is admitted to this option and passes to the next candidate;

    Note: An option is invalid if: the option code of the choice chosen by the candidate does not exist or the option selected requires the date of proof in the native or modern language and the candidate did not support it. 19659041] 3. If the candidate does not take any of the options on the card, he remains unpaid during this admission session and will have to attend a subsequent session only on the remaining seats in that session .

      • The situation may arise if the candidate has not expressed enough options, the options that he has expressed have been met before other candidates with higher backgrounds.
        It is therefore recommended to fill out the form with a sufficient number of options for (19459008) The total number of places in secondary schools is sufficient for all candidates to be assigned if they express options Sufficient and realistic!

    Note that there can be no situation where a candidate is declared unprecedented and where one of his options has been assigned to another less average candidate than him

    RESULTS ADMITTED LICEU 2018. List of school inspections:

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