Robert Wolders, partner of Via Acţi al actriţei Audrey Hepburn, at the entrance of viaţă: Europa FM


Actorul Robert Wolders partner of the ultima ai of atraţi ai actriţei Audrey Hepburn, murit the vârsta of 81 of ani, potrivit The Hollywood Reporter.

Robert Wolders "Family Conjurate", "The Father" Ellen Fontana Executive Director, Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund a member of the Consilium Commission.

Actorul a întâlnit -o pe Audrey Hepburn In 1980, this actriţa a lnnatai mariajul cu psihiatrul italian Andrea Dotti.

This is the first time that a relaţie pànnă la moartea actriţei, the vârsta de 63 de ani, pe 20 ianuaria 1993.

Robert Wolders a film precum: serialul western NBC "Laredo", " Beautiful Gesture", "The Man From UNCLE "," Dan August "," Banacek "" McMillan & Wife sau "The Legendary Curse of the Hope Diamond."

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