Romania, among the top ten countries in the world with the infection by hepatitis C virus


At the European level, an estimated 13.2 people live with the hepatitis B virus and 15 million with the C virus, according to statistics from the World Health Organization. Each year, hepatitis B and C cause more than 120,000 deaths, only in Europe, the main causes being cirrhosis of the liver and cancer

Hepatitis are infectious diseases, often asymptomatic, we do not know them unless to test them. According to WHO statistics, hepatitis B and C worldwide are major problems affecting more than 325 million people. These diseases cause liver cancer and cause 1.34 million deaths a year. Indeed, at least 60% of liver cancer cases are based on late tests, that is, access to treatment of hepatitis B and C in advanced stages of disease. At the European level, an estimated 13.2 people live with the hepatitis B virus and 15 million with the C virus, according to statistics from the World Health Organization. Each year, hepatitis B and C cause more than 120,000 deaths in Europe alone, the main causes being cirrhosis of the liver and cancer. Romania is among the most prevalent countries in Europe and among the top ten countries in the world for hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is responsible for 29% of deaths associated with cirrhosis – worldwide – and 42% of deaths from liver cancer, while hepatitis B generates 26% of cirrhosis-related deaths and 37% associated with liver cancer. Hepatitis B and C are common diseases in people at risk and in people living with HIV because they are transmitted through contaminated needles and unprotected sex. Other methods of transmission are blood transfusions, the joint use of the toothbrush and razor blades and the mother to the child

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