Romanian, American and German entrepreneurs – reactions after the adoption of the new Penal Code


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The amendment of the criminal codes places Romania on a downward social and economic trajectory and attracts the attention of Romanian, American and German entrepreneurs and managers.

A cascade of controversial legislative initiatives to amend many laws, including penal codes, puts Romania on a downward social and economic trajectory, attracts the attention of the business community represented by AmCham Romania (Romanian Chamber of Commerce), AHK (Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Employer Confordia Confederation and RBL

"The cascade of controversial legislative initiatives includes some legislative proposals that have been approved today. (Wednesday, July 4, 2018, no) in Parliament. " The motivation of these legislative initiatives is without justified economic logic and social, and they are also clearly partisan like that on the abolition of the obligations of conformity in matters of corporate governance by the state enterprises, gives way to abuse, politicizing management and lack of accountability for the use of public funds. We are witnessing an unprecedented mobilization of decision-makers around urgent and important peripheral themes for Romania and Romania over the past 18 months, while national priorities such as education, health, infrastructure have not gone beyond the "strategies" drawer. Although these initiatives are argued at the declarative level by the care of the citizens, they actually reinforce the uncertainty of the citizens and the mistrust of the private environment " according to a press release quoted by Ageprres. 19659005] despite the wave of reactions from society and the warnings of international partners, creates a climate of mistrust that affects Romania's supposed objectives: to be a trusted partner of NATO and the EU, Join the OECD and create "These measures and their unilateral adoption erode the credibility of Romania, reduce the appetite for investment, increase the cost of loans in the public and private sectors and, finally, jeopardize macroeconomic stability with a lot of effort. It is not clear that in the year of its centenary, the priorities of the Romanian public and legislative agenda will be dominated by topics that jeopardize its present and future and the Romanians said the representatives of the four entities.The Romanian National Enterprise for Small and Medium Enterprises (CNIPMMR), Florin Jianu, also stressed that the amendments to the Penal Code create a major disadvantage for the environment Decriminalizing Neglect in Service

"Legislation on Penal Code Amendments and Decriminalization of Neglect in Service Can Cause Significant Damage to the Business Environment, Considering that the State is the biggest entrepreneur in the economy. We do not understand why the definition of abuse of service refers only to the benefits for an official for himself and for the parents up to the second degree. Our most important problem is not necessarily a benefit but simply the creation of a disadvantage. Because abuse in the service can be a disadvantage for an economic operator. At the time when an official does not provide public information or refuses to sign a contract, or if ANAF employees decide to block the account of a company, this creates an impact negative on the economic environment, "said Florin Jianu. Small and medium-sized enterprises in Romania have pointed out that the respective operator, out of ignorance or by the will of a civil servant, may find himself in a situation of bankruptcy affecting his employees and members of his family. especially those of control, can be severely distorted by redefining the abuse of service, "in one way or another, creating advantages or disadvantages."

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