Romanian slaves in UK car washes pay for the minimum wage. The case of Laurentiu



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The Car Wash in the UK tends to be extremely competitive when it comes to prices charged, but are also associated with modern slavery

The Guardian presents the case of Romanian Sandu Laurentiu (photo) ] who, in August 2015, after an extended visit to a car wash in East London, was showering in his rat-filled apartment offered by his employer. Shaip Nimani 53-year-old from Kosovo is illegally connected to the power grid and improvises the factory without sealing the wires. In the wet bath, Laurenţiu was electrocuted and died.

The death of the 40-year-old Romanian brought to the fore the worries about the working conditions of thousands of car washes in the kingdom, where they are usually employed, migrants. Clients pay only 5 pounds, but employees are employed for the minimum wage: they work at least 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Often, they do not even have a legal work contract and are "black"

Last year, Nimani was sentenced to four years in prison after pleading guilty to murder in the case of death of Laurentiu. But three years after his death, the authorities believe they have a widespread phenomenon.

Suspected raids on car wash are becoming more common. A raid at the end of June in a laundry in Newport, South Wales, ended with a tragedy when Mustafa Dawood, a 23-year-old Sudanese, left the roof of a house. neighboring factory, fell and died

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After thorough calculations, the British authorities concluded that a car wash costing less than 6 pounds could have modern slavery behind.

Modern slavery practiced in UK car washes is the main concern of those calling the anti-slavery line in the country, according to Reuters.

These calls led to 400 complaints to the police and local authorities, the sixth of the 2170 alleged victims being Romanians. According to an organization report, about a quarter of potential slavery victims announced on the special phone line come from car washes that exceed the rates , manicures and farms. 19659005] It is believed that thousands of car wash workers in Great Britain are slaves, mostly Eastern European men, in debt, forced to work in conditions dangerous, left undocumented and subject to threats, abuse and violence

but also through a new mobile application, drivers are encouraged to announce if they have suspicions and a parliamentary inquiry into this phenomenon was launched in April

. "The report emphasizes the crucial importance that everyone can recognize the signs of slavery and exploitation, and be prepared to report them ," said Andrew Wallis, director of Unseen [19659005] "If you go to a car wash and those who wash your car do not wear s? They seem removed, they do not want to take money and if the price is too low, they should all be alerted "[194590

Great Britain is considered an international leader in the fight against modern slavery after passing a law in 2015 to this effect a few months before the United Nations n & # 39; 39, adopt the goal of the abolition of forced labor, slavery until 2030.

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