Samsung announces a new generation of DRAM chips for mobile devices. This will reduce the energy consumption


Samsung announced the availability of a new generation of LPDDR4X chips for mobile devices, manufactured using the second generation of the 10nm (1y-nm) manufacturing process.

Offering 16GB (2GB per chip), they achieve transfer speeds of 4266 Mbps, comparable to the solutions used with the current generation of high-end smartphone products. The novelty consists of a 10% reduction in energy consumption, sufficient to extend the life of the battery.

Combining four new generation LPDDR4X chips, Samsung has got a 20% less DRAM package than the first-generation solution, leaving more space in the device's casing for more trouble. other critical components (for example, a larger battery). With an effective capacity of 8GB, the new LPDDR4X package will be equipped with the Galaxy S10 and other flagship models ready to be launched early next year.

Samsung will continue to develop its 10nm (1y-nm) DRAM chip offering, offering 4GB, 6GB and 8GB LPDDR4X solutions for all mobile device categories with similar battery benefits

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